The Ebola Panic
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 2, 2014
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All over the country people are discussing the deadly disease Ebola. 

A brand new Fox News poll asked, “How concerned are you that Ebola will spread to the U.S.A.?”

Sixty-eight percent concerned; 31% not so much.

But as you may know, the disease is already here in Texas.

Here are the facts:

Liberian national Thomas Duncan is currently being treated for Ebola at a Dallas hospital, where he is in stable but serious condition.

Duncan arrived in the U.S.A. on September 20th.

Prior to that, he had helped a 19-year-old woman in Liberia who was ill.

That woman died from Ebola.

A few days after her death, Duncan -- apparently outwardly healthy -- boarded a plane in Monrovia; flew to Brussels, Belgium; changed planes; and then flew to Dulles airport in Washington, where he again changed planes and went on to Dallas.

On September 24th, Duncan begins to have symptoms of Ebola.

On September 26th, he goes to the Dallas Presbyterian Hospital where he is examined and sent home with medication.

On September 28th, Duncan is taken by ambulance back to Presbyterian Hospital, where he is properly diagnosed with Ebola.

But here's the shocking thing: before the ambulance arrived, Reuters is reporting that Duncan was seen vomiting in the parking lot of an apartment building where he was staying.

Ebola is spread by bodily fluids.

Dallas authorities now estimate that up to 100 people, some of them children, may have had direct or second-hand contact with Duncan.

So in Dallas right now, there is grave concern.

DALLAS PARENT: “When my daughter came home from school, my first thought was, like any concerned parent, ‘are you serious?’”

DALLAS PARENT:  “I just started crying, I was just like hysterical.”

DALLAS PARENT: “I just wanted to get to my kids so I went and got them.”

DALLAS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT: “People won't shake each others hands, they won't talk to each other.  They scared to go into the restrooms.”

DALLAS RESIDENT: “It's scary.  Real scary.”

DALLAS PARENT: “They need to tell us what child it is.  Because, I mean, if it were in their class, I'm going to be ten times more pissed than I already am.”

So what should the federal government do, since it is Washington's obligation to provide for the common good?

First of all, all flights from West Africa should be discontinued to the U.S.A., and Europe should do the same thing.

Now I feel sorry for the West African nations, but there is an epidemic of Ebola there, and it will spread because the incubation period lasts for up to 21 days.

Also, U.S. immigration should allow no one to enter this country holding a passport from any West African nation.

And that policy should last until the Ebola epidemic subsides in Africa.

As you may know, many people hold irrational fears and that's contagious as well.

Once Ebola starts spreading around, chaos follows.

Therefore, West Africans should not be admitted to the U.S.A. until the epidemic is controlled.

In cases of life and death, you must err on the side of caution.

So the president should order an immigration quarantine ... right now.

And that's the memo.