The Dems Are in Trouble
By: Bill O'ReillyNovember 1, 2022
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Where's Kamala?  Only seven more days until the vote and she is MIA.  Don't know of any Democrats who have requested her presence on the campaign trail.

President Biden has done a small amount of campaigning although not last weekend when he holed up in Delaware.  Jill, however, was out stumping.

So what does this tell us?  Well, how about the President and Vice President are not very popular even in their party.

I believe that's it.

Will that matter on November 8?  Not sure.  But there's no question the Dems are in trouble.

I mean, how could they not be?   In just two years time, the USA has gone from prosperity to ten percent inflation.

We're all " feeling it."

I hope Democrats are wiped out in the midterms.  And I think it will happen.
See you tonight for the No Spin News.

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