The Consequences of Election Day
By: Bill O'ReillyNovember 3, 2020
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On this Election Day, I am thinking about the immediate consequences if President Trump wins. Millions of Americans will be distraught even though the heavy odds are their bank accounts will be a lot healthier than under a Biden presidency.
But it is the corporate media that will be the big loser if Mr. Trump prevails. Even if he loses, most Americans now understand how corrupt the press has become. Generally speaking, the truth doesn’t really matter any more to the media. Only power and advancing “progressive” policies matters.
Therefore, the media is likely to lose not only authority, but also a vast amount of viewers and readers shortly after the election. I mean why bother? If we want deception, there’s plenty on social media. We no longer need phonies and contrivers on television or in print.
Or am I wrong?
Today and tonight, I will be tweeting about the vote. It will be a busy day and you can read all my tweets on the site. Hope you are enjoying our coverage which has been honest and incisive. Let me know what you think.

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