We all know them. People whose initial response to hearing almost anything is: "Really?"
Millions of folks live in the twilight. They don't know much. That's because it's hard to absorb complicated information. You have to listen and retain what you hear. Then you have to remember it. Oh, wow. That's a challenge.
Especially for Americans who sailed through the public school system doing very little actual work; sadly, there are tens of millions of them. They can't speak properly, and the last book they read was "Goodnight Moon."
If it's not on "Instagram," forget it.
Some years back, I invented a TV segment called Watters' World. I sent Jesse Watters all over the country to ask regular folks questions like "what is the Supreme Count?" Many of the answers were hilarious - catapulting Mr. Watters to television fame.
That exercise was not designed to humiliate but to enlighten. We are surrounded by people who only know what their apps show them. This presents a national problem.
Many charlatans and grifters get elected to powerful positions because the electorate is, well, unsophisticated, generally speaking.
Joe Biden is perhaps the best example in American history. Eighty million citizens voted for him even though he had demonstrated no problem-solving ability whatsoever. Why? Because they disliked Donald Trump. The nation voted on emotion. Few looked past Trump's personality and examined his record, which was pretty darn good, especially on the economy.
But members of the "Clueless Club" are not big on analyzing stuff. It takes them away from texting about how Shirley from across the street has a booze problem.
So how should Americans who do pay attention and seek the truth treat those who don't? Excellent question that requires some thought.
First, the Constitution guarantees the right to be a moron. If you don't want to know about your country and society, no one can force information on you once school is over.
Second, condescension is not good. If the person you're dealing with is not exactly a Ph.D., don't hire them or marry them. Otherwise, smile and wave as you depart.
Third, as a former high school teacher, I know learning cannot happen unless the person actually wants knowledge. Again, we live in the iPhone age where escape from reality and responsibility is a finger click away. Always. The option to fritter your life away with trivial pursuits has never been more powerful.
But if you are a phone-carrying member of the "Clueless Club," know there will be high dues. It is likely you will associate with others who enjoy the clueless lifestyle. That will make reaching your life potential much less likely to happen unless you can hit a 95 mph fastball.
When I was an urchin, I watched the Mickey Mouse Club. Annette was there, so I was there. At the end of each episode, Mouseketeer Jimmy told the audience that the Disney kids liked them. My clueless friends actually believed that.
But not me. My quest for knowledge was limited, but I understood the Mouse was a cartoon and the club kids were in it for the money.
Kind of like politics today.
Cluelessness was a contagion back then; it is an epidemic now. And it's spreading.