Terror on the Right
By: Bill O'ReillyFebruary 21, 2021
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Terror on the Right
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President Biden has ordered the Justice Department and Homeland Security to “deal with the rise of white supremacy.”  He calls it the “greatest terror threat” to the country.
ISIS killers were stunned to hear that.
There are violent groups on the racist right like “Order of the Nine Angles” and the “New Aryan Empire.”  Ever hear of them?  I hadn’t either.  But the feds know them and some members have recently been arrested for illegal activities.
Some.  Not many.
In 2020, the Department of Justice brought exactly five criminal cases against “white supremacists.”  14 individuals were charged.
In 2019, another five cases.  75 people charged.  Many of them members of the “1488s”, a vicious Nazi-type group that deals narcotics and assaults people.
It’s a similar situation on the state level.  Last year in all 50 states there were only three prosecutions tied to “white supremacy.”  Nine individuals were charged.  Nine.  In 50 states.
In 2019, the number of white racists charged: eight.
So, what exactly are Joe Biden and his far left supporters talking about?  I mean radical leftists occupied blocks in downtown Seattle last summer.  Based on arrest statistics, the white supremacists barely have enough personnel to occupy a deli.
After I heard the President define the reactionary threat from the extreme right, I tweeted a question:  where is “the rise of white supremacy?”
Almost immediately the Twitter assassins emerged smearing your humble correspondent.  The worst was The Huffington Post, possibly the most hateful outfit on the planet.
The outrage against me was designed to send a clear message: you better not question the theory that white supremacy is dominant in America.  If you do, we on the far left will hurt you.  And it’s not enough to condemn white racism, you have accept that it’s pervasive.
So what’s REALLY going on here?  Let’s examine a theory.  Joe Biden doesn’t especially care about contextualizing the danger from the right.  His supporters like the issue so he’s behind it.
The reason that white supremacy is being promoted as a dire threat to America is because it diverts attention away from the real public safety menace - left wing governance.
Chicago is the most dangerous city in the country.  A place where thousands of African-Americans have been murdered.  For decades, Chicago has been run by liberal politicians who have failed to stop the violence.
New York City is dangerous and falling apart. Hundreds of thousands of residents are leaving.  Far left mayor Bill DeBlasio is a disaster.  Liberal Governor Andrew Cuomo is on the ropes after botching Covid.
Gavin Newsom, the uber-liberal governor of California, will likely be recalled and may not survive the year.  His home, San Francisco, is almost unlivable because of far left policies.
Should I mention Seattle, Portland, Oregon, Baltimore, Minneapolis, and Philadelphia? Leftist management has grievously hurt them all.
The fact-based truth is that many thousands of Americans are being hurt, killed, and deprived in radical left precincts far away from any white supremacy.
Maybe someone should put that in a teleprompter so President Biden can read it.

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