Sympathy for the Devil
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 15, 2023
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Sympathy for the Devil

Here's something interesting. The cancel culture has turned against the radical left in America. Super ironic because the progressive movement, cheered on by the corporate media, has skillfully used social elimination via cancel culture to destroy its opposition.

But with the mass murder perpetrated by the terror group Hamas, the progressive Israel haters are on the run. Banishment looms for any American who is pro-Hamas. Even socialist Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is frightened.

The history of the current far-left movement is vehemently anti-Israel. That besieged country is considered to be fascist by the progressive loons. They believe Jews want to harm Palestinians and, therefore, are the evildoers.


A vivid example of that kind of ignorance is Black Lives Matter.

Soon after Hamas terrorists using hang-gliders murdered about 250 innocent concertgoers inside Israel, the BLM Chicago branch put out a grotesque poster glorifying the atrocity.

Almost impossible to believe any decent human being would do that.

From the jump, I have reported that Black Lives Matter is a destructive organization that peddles hatred. It also has used millions of dollars in donations to buy luxury real estate for its leaders.

Because BLM is a non-profit, it has to file IRS returns listing who gives it money. Here is a partial list of corporations that have assisted the radical group in amassing about one hundred million dollars.

Berkshire Hathaway, Coca-Cola, Gatorade, Cisco, Microsoft, Intel, DoorDash, Nabisco, and Warner Brothers-Discovery.

That last company is especially interesting because it owns CNN. Surprised? I didn't think so.

To be fair, these politically correct corporations most likely gave BLM the money to virtue signal. But now, the devil has its due in the form of cold, hard cash.

Finally, don't expect a corporate "awakening" because it will not happen. Woke will continue to rule as innocent people continue to die.

Yes, you can now get canceled in America if you support Hamas. But what about all the progressives who have enabled the radical left all over the world?

What about them?

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