Socializing with Gavin
By: Bill O'ReillyDecember 31, 2023
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Socializing with Gavin

California Governor Gavin Newsom is a socialist. That means he wants the government to regulate the marketplace, telling folks what they can and cannot do.

And the biggest thing they can't do is accumulate personal wealth. No, Newsom is making that very difficult for Californians, and if he's ever elected President, no one's portfolio will be safe in this country.

Some backup. California entered the fiscal year 2022 with the highest budget surplus ever, close to $100 billion dollars.


Enormously high taxes will do that.

Then Newsom and the radical left legislature in Sacramento got down to business. Next year, the Golden State faces a $68 billion dollar deficit. It's almost impossible to believe that financial turnaround as California's annual spending has increased by $108 billion in three years.

Last week, Governor Newsom announced that every foreign national in his state will receive Medi-Cal, which is free healthcare. The Governor believes socialized medicine is a "human right."

The migrant health tab will cost California an estimated $2.6 billion yearly.

One problem. The state doesn't have the money. So, taxes will have to rise to record levels, working people and the affluent paying even more to Caesar.

Is this fair? Of course not. Hundreds of thousands of additional foreign nationals, many illegal border crossers, will flock to California for free health care while U.S. citizens pay their tab.

Meanwhile, legions of taxpayers are moving out of Newsom's fiefdom; this all ties into Joe Biden's open border policy.

The progressive movement, which controls almost everything Biden does, understands that traditional Americans will never vote for socialism. But down the road, the recent arrivals might.

That's why Biden's illegal and grossly irresponsible immigration policy is on the board.

By the way, the President is getting hammered so badly in the polls that he sent Secretary of State Blinken and Homeland Security Czar Mayorkas to Mexico City for something; I'm not sure what.

I guess Abbott and Costello remain unavailable.

The two came back with nada to show for their journey, but who's surprised? Well, maybe Biden because there's a chance he forgot all about it.

Socialism is legal theft. It has never been successful in creating prosperity and harmony. But that's what Gavin Newsom and his progressive wrecking crew are after.

And if the Democrats win next November, we all might be staring at it.

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