Sarah Sanders vs. Jim Acosta
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 3, 2018
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It is simply hard to believe that CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta tried to bait White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders into an opinion brawl yesterday.

Acosta’s job is to ask questions, not to initiate a debate. Sanders’ job is to answer fact-based inquiries, she is under no obligation to give her opinion on anything.

As she told an out of control Acosta in the White House briefing room, she speaks for the President, relaying his thoughts to the nation through the press corps. That’s what she does.

Acosta desperately wanted Mrs. Sanders to say she didn’t think the press was the “enemy of the people,” thereby driving a wedge between her and her boss who believes journalists harm Americans when they are agenda-driven.

Sarah saw the trap and avoided it.

In my opinion, Acosta could not care less what Sarah Sanders thinks of the press. His job every day is to embarrass Donald Trump. Just as Dan Rather’s job was to embarrass Richard Nixon, and Sam Donaldson’s job was to embarrass Ronald Reagan.

Those men will tell you that they spoke truth to power but what they really did was to bring attention onto themselves, and curry favor with their liberal masters. I saw it firsthand.

Reporters should be aggressive in seeking the truth. That’s the mandate of honest journalism. We are not seeing much of that these days. Instead, we are witnessing a massive press group think: Trump has to go.

Sarah Sanders is taking the brunt of that.

I hope you heard my chat with Glenn Beck and my interview with Victor Davis Hanson.

Have a great weekend.

TagsCNNJim AcostaPressPress BriefingsSarah SandersTrumpWhite House