Rebellion at NBC
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 25, 2024
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Eight days ago I wrote a column documenting the fact that the networks have few if any conservatives on the payroll. ABC, NBC and CBS are run by liberal executives and only one point of view is heard. The nets have even canceled non-liberal guests who have written books or columns.
A few days later, NBC announced the hiring of Ronna McDaniel, the former head of the Republican National Committee. Ms. McDaniel was a critic of the 2020 election, believing, as tens of millions do, that there was cheating in some places.
Almost instantly, there was a revolt by some NBC News personnel. Chuck Todd demanded on the air that the company apologize to viewers for Ms. McDaniel's hiring.
Now, if this doesn't prove my point nothing will. NBC is an ideological enterprise. It has effectively deep-sixed conservative points of view. And their work force is completely happy with that.
By contrast, Fox News allows devoted Democrats airtime. Juan Williams and Jessica Tarloff are the most prominent but liberal guests appear all the time. In my 20 years working there, I never once heard an FNC employee object to that.
The stifling of opposing points of view is un-American and counterproductive. MSNBC has a dwindling audience and could use some robust on-air debate.
It should be noted that Chuck Todd was removed from "Meet the Press" for low ratings and his over-the-top sneering views contrary to his own. The left is desperately insecure, generally speaking.
The mini-rebellion at NBC is yet another "brick in the wall," as Pink Floyd once chanted. But I guess I should thank the narrow-minded dissenters for bolstering my oracle credentials.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.

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