Racial Angst in America
By: Bill O'ReillyMay 30, 2018
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The stunning fall of Roseanne Barr has implications all over the place but the primary damage is to America.  By attacking former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett in a gross personal way, Ms. Barr has sent a signal to the nation’s 46 million African-Americans that white racism is indeed alive and well.

Ms. Jarrett served her country energetically.  She was always respectful to me and I dealt with her often.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected President the far left has branded the USA as a country run by “white supremacists.” Even everyday Caucasian folks are described as having “white privilege” by ideological loons.

The allegations are nonsense but millions of people believe them. Now, the false generalizations are harder to refute.

For example, the football players protesting the American flag are no doubt more confident in their dissent after Ms. Barr launched her racist tweet.  The gulf between those Americans who see their country as oppressive and those who see it as basically noble, has just widened considerably.

Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll continue our analysis of the racial angst in America. We’ll also have a special report on the chaos that is North Korea.

As always, we hope you will join us beginning at 7 eastern time.  Also, check out our store for great Father’s Day gifts!

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TagsAmericaraceRacismRoseanneTrumpWhite House

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