This week’s Talking Points Memo is on the political power play happening between President Trump and four radical Congresswomen. This controversy is not about race, this is about winning the White House. President Trump believes that his attacks will help him get re-elected, and the radical leftists believe that they will get Trump out of office by using this controversy to brand him a racist—along with the media’s help.
Hi, Bill O'Reilly here for Newsmax and this is the Talking Points Memo.
Hey, what about this President Trump—four radical Congresswoman controversy?
So, what this is all about is politics, not anything substantial. Not anything that would actually affect your life or my life as Americans.
So, there is a strategy going on here, and the media will not tell you what this is - because the media is invested in getting Donald Trump out of the Oval Office.
So they portray, they being the press, this story as a, "oh, he's a racist" story. That's where all the energy is flowing.
But here's what's really going on.
You have the four Radical Congresswomen. Alright. Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, you know them.
They truly believe that America is a unfair country. A place where white men abuse everyone else. That's the common theme that the four radical Congresswomen have.
Gotta understand that.
The Democratic Party fears those women, especially Ocasio-Cortez, who is a media darling and can command attention. And you've seen it. You've seen Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, criticize Ocasio-Cortez, basically tells her to pipe down. Because Nancy Pelosi knows most Americans are not radicals, and they don't want America-haters - which is really what these women are - in charge. Now the women would say, “O'Reilly, you're crazy, that's not what we are.”
I understand that. But, if you analyze their positions and what they actually believe, there's no way you can say that they respect America or think it's a noble nation. They don't.
So, Donald Trump seizes upon this, and he says to his fellow citizens, “hey, look, if they don't like the country, and they're criticizing it to the detriment of America, then you go back to where their ancestors lived,” or in one case Omar, where she lived. OK, so Somalia. Go back there.
Fix up those places then come back and tell us how it's done. Sarcastic.
Racist? You decide. You decide.
But remember – remember – Ocasio-Cortez basically implied Nancy Pelosi is a racist. After Pelosi criticized her. You'll remember that, Ocasio-Cortez, says, “oh she's picking on women of color.”
And same thing in the debate. OK. Kamala Harris, the senator basically implied Joe Biden is a racist. Why else would she bring up the voting on bussing 50 years ago? Or Biden's association with segregationist senators way back when.
Why? She wants to imply that he's a racist, that he doesn't like black people. It is the only reason to do it.
So, Donald Trump basically says, look this is what I'm up against, alright, so vote for me and send me money. It is a big fundraiser for him.
In the second quarter, the Trump campaign took in more than one hundred million dollars. Huge. Huge. So, Americans they don't weigh in because they don't have access to the media.
But believe me when I tell you, that Donald Trump believes that his Tweet attacks on these four radical Congresswoman will help him get re-elected and raise a lot of money for him.
Now, on the other side, the Democrats now say, okay there is no doubt the President is a racist. We got five things we can point to beginning with the birther movement on Barack Obama. And then in Charlottesville, there's the S-Hole countries. We could just make a case that he hates black people. He hates migrants. He hates Hispanics, he hates gays. Whatever it is.
Again, American people have to decide whether there's any validity to that or not. And I can help you because my upcoming book, ‘The United States of Trump,’ I've researched all of these things and we'll present you to facts.
But right now, the Democratic Party believes it can destroy the president's legacy and get him out of office in 2020 by branding him a racist using this controversy.
So, there you have it. It's a political power play. It's not about race.
Donald Trump couldn't care less about putting his boot on the neck of any minority. He doesn't show a lot of empathy for minority groups or the grievance industry, he doesn't. His thing is, I provide a good economy that helps everybody. So how can you possibly call me a racist?
Very fascinating what's going on here. Think about it. It's going to get worse.
I'm Bill O'Reilly for Newsmax. That is the Talking Points Memo.