Podcast: A "Deplorable" Professor on Why Campuses Are So Radical
By: BOR StaffFebruary 20, 2017
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Campus protests have recently reached a new level of intensity, with riots even breaking out in Berkeley, California earlier this month.  Dr. Michael Rectenwald, a clinical professor of liberal studies at New York University, joins the podcast to share his insights on what he sees from the most extreme groups on campus. 

Professor Rectenwald gained notoriety when he announced he was the author of a previously anonymous Twitter page called “Deplorable NYU Prof.”  Dr. Rectenwald controversially was placed on paid leave at NYU after his revelation.  Were his Twitter page and his paid leave related?  Professor Rectenwald tells us, and also explains how “social justice warriors” have taken over most campuses.

Listen now to this thought-provoking interview.

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