O'Reilly's Special July 4th No Spin Commentary
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 4, 2018
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Hey BillOReilly.com Premium Members, welcome to a special edition of The No Spin News. The July 4th extravaganza! Take your country back. 

This is just basically you and me and talking about America as it stands on July 4th, 2018. I got a letter from Marilyn Cleveland from Arroyo Grande, California and I'll read the letter and this has prompted my monologue on the 4th July, today. 

"Bill, is there any hope for America, morals are in the toilet. You say that we will never gain what we have lost. Thinking of just giving it all up and reading fiction, we can only take so much hate and hopelessness.". 

I wouldn't give up anything, Marilyn. But we are in a down cycle in America. It's a good phrase, down cycle, social civil war. 

So let's trace it. Big, big revolution 1776 and most Americans have no idea how it happened or why it happened and that's why I wrote Killing England and I hope you've read it and if you haven't read it order it today because it really brings alive that intense revolution that even to this day influences each and every one of us living in America. Even people who are here illegally because they get the benefits of what our Founding Fathers put together. Now, the revolution in 1776, brutal and it only engaged about 50 percent of the people who were living here at the time. The other 50 percent didn't want to separate from Great Britain. They're OK with the King having his boot on their neck. They were called Tories or Loyalists. They were OK with it. But the Patriots, the ones who wanted to break away they were furious.

Now, could Samuel Adams, perhaps the biggest rabble rouser in Boston have understood the torie? No. Adams is so furious, so angry about what the English were doing to the good citizens of Boston. But right across the street he had people that said we like the king, Thomas Hutchinson could Adams understand Hutchinson? No! No. Now, Hutchison could understand Adams, because anybody siding with the British knew the British weren't being fair. The Americans didn't have any representation in parliament, no vote, no voice nothing. And then every three weeks there would be another tax, these people didn't have any money. They're taking whatever little they had away. Sending it back to the King. Anybody could understand why he teed off, right? But Samuel Adams never in a million years could understand why people would want that system. Now you say well, why did they? Because the Tories and the Loyalists were A either afraid, they didn't want to be hung or they were wealthy enough not to feel it as much as the people on the farms and the merchants did. So you had this division. 

Then you fast forward to the civil war in the eighteen fifties, that's where it started really and you had another huge division in the country. You had the people who said look you can't be holding human beings in bondage, selling them, breaking their families up, making them work six days a week, 12 hours a day in the hot sun, you can't be doing that. It's inhumane, it's unchristian. Those were the abolitionists and then you had the people in the south who benefited economically from the slave labor. All right don't, don't mess with us. We're going to run, we're going to do we want. Now, could the abolitionists understand the slave holder, economically but morally, no way, no way. They couldn't justify, come on. And could the slave holder understand the abolitionists? Nah, you know if they bothered to even think about it but it was all about money, it was all about that. And people in the south convinced themselves that blacks weren't really entitled to the same rights, but even the same humanity as whites, that whites were superior. They had a right to subjugate blacks, you know. So that's what that gulf was about and it wasn't healed just like the British and the Americans had a fight it out, the North and the South had to fight it out. 

So now we're in the year 2018 and we don't have that kind of violent strife in America. But we do have a social civil war. On the one side are the traditional Americans, like me, I'm a poster boy for this. I'm not a party apparatchik, I'm not ohhhh Republicans, ohhh Republicans, yayyyyy. It's not me. I'm a registered Independent and my father and mother were split. All right my mother voted mostly Democrat and my father voted mostly Republican. 

So in my house we didn't have a big ideological component. And when I grew up, I was always looking around for a well who's the best problem solver, because I don't really care what party you're in, if you solve the problem I'll vote for you. That's me. But as a historian and somebody has written eight books on history and how it pertains to the world in the USA, I know the reason that the United States of America is the most powerful nation the world has ever seen, is because of our traditions of: justice, fairness, capitalism and freedom. The freedom to pursue happiness, that's the big one. The way you would like to pursue it, not the way some government guy tells you to do it. That's what built the foundation of our success and that's why millions of people all over the world want to come here, particularly poor people that don't have a chance in Honduras or Guatemala or Nicaragua or El Salvador. They have no chance to improve themselves but Del Norte, that big colossus, the United States they do, so here they come and same thing in Asia, here they come. In Africa, if they could get here, they'd get here but instead they're going to Western Europe. They have no shot in the countries where they were born. 

So I know, that what my father fought for in World War II and what my cousin fought for in Vietnam and what not hundreds of millions of Americans fought for over the centuries was freedom, freedom. All right that's what we fought for. I understand that and that we the United States of America have freed billions of people all over the world and sacrificed tremendously to do it. That's our tradition. 

Now, Native Americans, African-Americans not treated well. That is a fact, no rationalization can change it. Not treated well. Foreign policy mistakes over the centuries, absolutely. But in its heart separating it from bad managers, bad human beings, in its heart, the United States is a noble nation. Just like Christianity is a noble religion, Judaism is a noble religion, I'm not sure about Islam, some Muslims are certainly noble people and practice a brand of Islam that is noble and some do not. But at its heart the United States is a noble nation. All right. We've made mistakes, we've tried to correct those mistakes and it's ongoing, ongoing. We have a situation here, we have a situation there let's correct it. All right let's do it in a way that improves the country. So that's a traditional point of view, that is me and most likely you. 

Opposed to that are the far left and what I call the dark left, that's the industry behind the far left, who say the United States it rotten, always been that way. Look what they did to the blacks, slaves, look what they did to the indigenous people, genocide. Look what they did to the poor today. Go into the poor neighborhoods, look at the cops, the cops are bad, they hate the blacks. All right. Look at their capitalism, the rich people get more and the poor people struggle. We got to get rid of that capitalism, we've got to get socialism. Look at how everybody should have health care, everybody should have a decent house. Everybody should have decent food; the government has got to give it to them. OK. None of this competition business, none of this you have to work for it. You don't have it, we will give it to you. Socialism. All right. That wave is up again, not threatening but it's there. And the media loves that they love all that. The media hates me, they're happy I'm not on cable news anymore. That was their goal from the very beginning. Get rid of him. He's too successful. He makes too much, get him out of there. And finally, after 20 years they found a way. OK. So that wave from the far left is up against the traditional American. That's the fight.

Now, is my point of view ever going to convince George Soros or Bernie Sanders or the New York Times pooh bahs, am I ever got to convince them. Never. Never. Do I understand their point of view? Yes, I do. But it's a destructive tear down the country point of view, white supremacy. You're white O'Reilly, you had it given to you. Even though you were in Levittown and you didn't have any money, you were given it. Even though you rose up and got educated, you were given it. White white white white! That's where they are. I understand what they're doing, I got it. Open borders, come on in. Why? Flood the country with people of color who are from a different culture, who don't understand the traditions of America, get them in. So we can all be like California, if you look at the California when Ronald Reagan was governor and you look at it now, not even close, why? Massive influx of people overseas, 30 percent, 30 percent of the American population now are immigrants and their families, 30 percent. And if the far left had its way it would be 70 percent. Now most of this 30 percent are good people and they have contributed mightily to this country. That's the truth. I see them every day, hardworking, honest people in my church, work for me. We need these people but we have to do it in an orderly lawful way. But on the left, open it up. C'mon and get O'Reilly and his crew out. OK we don't want to see them ever again. White privilege goes! 

Now, the press, they're all white, and they're sympathetic to that because they're caught up in abortion and gay rights and all of this stuff that goes along with the left wing philosophy. That's what they're caught up and that's their world. All right they're too stupid to understand what the ultimate goal of George Soros is. OK so the press, they don't scrutinize the far left but if you oppose the far left they're going to destroy you, they're come after you. Entertainment industry same way, do you listen to these morons? Do you hear what they're saying? They don't know anything. Do you think Robert De Niro could sit next to me and debate me on anything? He couldn't, he's incapable of it. He doesn't know enough, nor does he want to know enough. All he wants to do is live in his bubble and spout this kind of nonsensical gibberish, it makes him happy, makes him feel superior, makes him feel righteous. 

So those insights. That's what we've got going on here on the 4th July 2018. It is going to be detente? No. There is not going to be detente. So, you've got a polarizing person like President Trump in the Oval Office, you've got his challengers that are some of them are insane. Hillary Clinton wasn't insane but she was incipit, two words incipit and insane. And if she had been elected, if she had been president we'd be well on our way to that socialistic system because she doesn't care she just wants power. Yeah, do you want, I'm not going to go up against you. OK. 

Now finally, I love the country and I think you do too. I'm not, Marilyn I don't want you to give up. I don't want you to give up. You should be absolutely, you're a Premium Member here you're in, you're in the right place. Talking it up with your friends, not in a belligerent way, just you know I think this, I think that, what do you think. Everybody listen, have a few cocktails out there in the Royal Grande, you know whatever. You know, write letters to local papers get involved helping people politically who you think are delivering a message you like, that kind of thing. Because I think still the majority of the American people including the immigrants, I can persuade them, I can do it. Just on the facts of history, I can do it because I know where this leads, the other way leads. I know where it leads. 

All you got to do is go to San Francisco take a walk, that's where it leads. Is that what you want? If I were running for any high office in this country, I'd just photograph San Francisco. I'd say, that my opponent wants this, look at it. Is this what you want? Walking outside with your 6-year-old and having some guy put a needle his arm right in front of you or defecate on the street, is that what you want? This is what San Francisco has, this is what they allow. This is what they want. One of the most beautiful cities in America totally destroyed by far left leadership no doubt about it. And there's no counterargument, there is no counterargument. But is media going to put it that way? Media are going to focus in on that? No way. Not going to do it.

So we the people are left with information that's dishonest, biased, slanted whatever word you want to use. But the two sides aren't going to come together, unfortunately they're not. And it's going to be you, the American who goes to work every day, pays taxes works hard, raises the family, you're going to have to decide. And then when you decide you're going to spread the word. So I'm optimistic that you guys can do it. You know I'm here to help, I'll do what I can, I've done what I can now for 45 years in this business and I've been successful in doing it. But it's you the American people, who I have confidence in still. Happy Fourth of July, thanks for being BillOReilly.com Premium Members. We will see you tomorrow.

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