O'Reilly's Solution to DACA
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 7, 2018
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The Republicans in the House do not know how to handle the dreamers.  

Today, Speaker Paul Ryan will make yet another attempt to get some kind of agreement on a new law that would deal with the thousands of aliens who were brought to America illegally by their parents, through no fault of their own.

Polls show that most American citizens want compassion for the undocumented young people, but what form that compassion takes is undefined.

So here’s the O’Reilly solution.  

Each dreamer must register with the feds within a three month period.  If they do not, they are subject to immediate deportation.

Part of the registration process would require a resume:  home address, schooling, work history, marital status etc.  Also, any legal problems would have to be stated.

Then, the registration would be vetted and homeland security officials would decide if the dreamer was responsible enough to get a temporary resident card.  

If the dreamer succeeds in acquiring the card, he or she could then apply for a green card and, eventually, for citizenship.  

But in order to get those privileges, the dreamer would have to do two years of public service or enlist in the military.  The PS would not be full time, but would require doing free work for the country.  A variety of options would be provided by the feds.

If that solution was embraced by the Republicans, it would help them convince the public that fairness and discipline are key elements of a new immigration plan.  

Along with the dreamer program would be increased border security, and Kate’s Law - harshly punishing alien criminals who defy deportation.

Tonight on The No Spin News, we’ll discuss my plan.  And I am looking forward to your feedback.  

See you this evening beginning at 7 eastern.

TagsDACADreamersillegal immigrationImmigrationTrumpWhite House

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