O'Reilly's Ireland Trip - Day 3
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 14, 2023
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We are at the northernmost point of the Irish Republic. It was here that the Norse first invaded around 795 AD. It was kind of a vacation for the Vikings, pillaging Ireland and misbehaving in every way. Finally, the Irish chieftains organized and kicked some serious Norse butt.

Today, County Donegal is relatively affluent, with big fishing and agriculture businesses. It's a world apart from the urban lifestyle of Dublin and Belfast.

The major difference between the Irish and many Americans is life expectations. We strive; the Irish generally are happy with their traditional life and respect boundaries. No homeless in these parts, little violent crime, and people look out for each other. That's not hard because there are only five and a half million in the entire Republic. Cooperation, not grievance, dominates. If you want less stress, this is the place.

The father-son trip is working out. There are 12 of us. I always use Conn's Ireland as guides. Best in show.

Enjoy the photo gallery. Will check in tomorrow.