O'Reilly: The Theater of the Absurd
By: Bill O'ReillyMay 29, 2019
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Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo is BACK! This week Bill analyzes the hate John Voight received from the Hollywood elite for praising President Trump.


Hi Bill O'Reilly here for Newsmax. This is the Talking Points Memo, the Theater of the Absurd.

So a little war has broken down Hollywood between conservative actor Jon Voight. You know him, he's on Ray Donovan. He's won an Academy Award as Best Actor for a movie called "Coming Home" which was an anti-war movie. He's won Golden Globes, he's won everything. The guy is a fantastic actor.

Anyway he took to social media to tell the world that President Trump is the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln. Well almost immediately the hard left in Hollywood started to disparage Mr. Voight. Comedian, Albert Brooks compared him to John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln. That was nasty.

But the most high profile is this woman Alyssa Milano, who called Jon Voight an F-lister, a has been who is trying to become relevant. Now I don't know if this was the smartest move because Jon Voight at 80 years old is still working. As I mentioned in Ray Donovan and he is one of the best actors on the planet. Alissa Milano is a television actress. I'm not going to denigrate what she's done but surely it's not in the class of Jon Voight.

Now here is the larger issue. Why the personal attacks? If Jon Voight believes that President Trump is on the par with Abraham Lincoln, he has a right to that opinion without being attacked personally. Does he not? I think Mr. Voight and I know him, is emotional. He's a very staunch conservative and he throws things out to get attention.

I mean my evaluation of presidents only come after they leave office. Not while they're in office. But Mr. Voight believes the economy, foreign policy, the fact that Donald Trump has overcome a lot of obstacles qualifies him for that comparison. Again you don't have to agree with it but he has a right to state what he thinks as an American citizen without people trying to run him down. And his career and his whole persona. We got to stop this.

You know we have to stop this. I want robust debate in America. I don't want gutter sniping. I don't want smear merchants but I can't stop it because social media gives these people an unbelievable platform. So even though Jon Voight has an unbelievable platform, he can go on to say whatever he wants, his detractors do as well.

So I think that all of us, when we hear dissent. All right I don't agree with your opinion. They should watch how the dissent is countered. So if Alissa Milano wants to say well I think Jon Voight is wrong and here is the list of presidents I feel are better and here's why, I certainly would listen to that. But to call call the guy a has been at I mean 80 years old the guy is still at the top of his game, John Boy. His is an amazing actor.

And I don't know how he, Jon Voight feels about it. He didn't lash back right away. I hope he doesn't say anything. I hope Jon Voight doesn't say anything. I hope he lets his career speak for itself and commentators like me. Now just the fact that I'm saying this to you. I know I'm going to be attacked personally.

I mean that's what I have to put up with every day of my life. And it got so bad when I was working at the Fox News Channel that I actually had paid security guards living in my house. That is how bad it got,  just because I gave an opinion on TV. People wanted to hurt me or kill me. Say anything, do anything to silence me, punish me because they disagreed with my opinion. That's a sickness, that's an illness. When you can't tolerate an opposing point of view in your life. You need to get some help.

And that's the memo. I'm Bill O'Reilly for Newsmax reminding you father's day is coming up. Please check out Killing the SS and the seven other Killing books for dad and granddad. They'll love them. You can give them a Premium Membership on Bill O'Reilly.com, you get a free book. OK. All of that we have for you and it would be nice for dad and granddad on Father's Day.

We'll see you soon.


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