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Now this, today, is the best example I can possibly come up with of the irresponsibility of the American media. This is the best. The most vivid. The most incisive.
Now President Trump is being attacked for having an unauthorized – that’s the press word – meeting with Putin at a dinner after the G20 formalities took place.
Ok? And everybody on CNN and MSNBC and the liberal newspapers are going ‘uh! Unauthorized meeting!”
Here’s what happened.
Trump is having dinner with all the G20 heads and their wives. Melania Trump is seated next to Putin. Trump is seated next to the Japanese guy ok? So after dinner Trump gets up and goes over to see his wife. Putin is there. Putin starts a conversation. There’s a Russian translator there who is helping Melania and Putin communicate. Putin and Trump wander off the table a little bit and they have a conversation. Anybody would do that. Any world leader would do that. It’s nothing to be concerned about. It’s not sinister. It’s not incompetent. It’s not any of that.
And they blow this thing up into this ‘uh how can you do it? and what might have been said?’
Listen to this - this is from Axios – the political website – they are analyzing this alright? And this is what they said:
‘Why it matters: It breaks national-security protocol for a U.S. president to meet with a Russian counterpart with only Russian staff present: The Russian translator could misinterpret Trump's words to Putin. And the U.S. has no real-time record of what was said. Putin, with more experience, owns the meeting.”
What a bunch of crap. Sorry about that word. I don’t like that word. It’s just garbage.
If Trump refused to speak to Putin that would have been disrespectful. Then he would have been accused of creating an incident. It doesn’t matter what Trump and Putin said to each other. It doesn’t matter. At all. Its unofficial. Maybe they were talking about Putin’s hockey career.
Now look I’m not in business to defend the Trump administration, although that’s how it is coming down here on the podcast, because its so insane what is happening. I have to tell you the truth. Alright?
Maybe down the road it’ll come to the point where Trump did something wrong or he cant rule or governor, he cant do the job,. Maybe that will happen.
If it does I’ll tell you.
But this insane insidious garbage everyday … It’s a strategy. Everyday there’s a scandal de-jour. Run him down. Run him down. Run him down.
They did the same thing for me for 20 years but I had an hour television show to fight back. It really makes me angry about this dishonesty.
All right. So here's the theme of the day. Can Donald Trump overcome the hatred being directed toward him? Will he overcome it or will it consume him? Very interesting question. He comes back home last night about 9:00 to New York City Trump Tower. A few hundred hate-Trumpers are out there screaming at him. Everybody is going 'why? what's the beef?' He already did two statements in Charlottesville. But it's the same old thing. All right. "He's not our president." "We're not going to accept it." On and on. And that's what this is all about. All right. It’s all about - and I told this to Trump ... we are going to try to pull that clip and play it for later this week ... the first interview I did with him - I said if you win they hate you so much. Just you. It's you. It's not your policies or anything like that. OK.
But now it's expanded because he has power. And you see the success of the hate-Trump movement because it's now enveloped all the media. If you are a pro Trump person you yourself are now in the target of destruction. So the few commentators left that are standing up for Donald Trump, Media Matters and these are people trying to destroy them - get them off the air, hurt them or hurt their families. They'll do anything. And again I've been telling you this but now in the next few weeks we're going to drop some bombs that will prove it. We're still getting our legal case together. But it is undeniable. So that not only Donald Trump the president the subject of hatred but anyone who may support his policies or him.
Now in Charlottesville. I hope you read my column on it. The initial column right after Trump gave his opening statement and then he amended the statement by saying yeah, the Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan are bad. And perhaps he should have said that in his opening remarks. The point he wanted to make was that there are a lot of fault in Charlottesville. And there was. I mean first of all the dopey Nazis. They didn't care about the Robert E. Lee statue. They just wanted to get attention and cause trouble. They brought weapons. And OK. The counter protesters- what are they protesting? What? The Nazis are bad? Come on.
So they show up and a lot of them bring in weapons and then you have the Charlottesville authorities who know that these two groups are going to clash and they don't do anything to stop it. You know barriers, iron barriers. That's how you separate people. Four or five rows thick. That's what they did in the Trump demonstrations last night. So these loons couldn't get close to the president. That's how you do it. Charlottesville didn't do any of that. The governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe didn't put the state police in there in any form did he? And they knew that this stuff was going to happen and the result is one person, a poor woman - 32 years old - dies. And two state troopers go down a chopper. Come on.
There's a lot of blame to go around a lot of places.
And then Trump under heavy pressure does the second thing - the Nazis are bad KKK's bad. OK fine. Still hate-Trumpers on cable and in newspapers, they won't let up.
Now I'm just going to give you an example of how intense this is. I'm going to run a montage for about 45 seconds here. First one is Eugene Robinson from the Washington Post - hates Trump, hates conservatives. All right. Jimmy Fallon, trying to recapture some ratings magic, trying to get in the game again. Stephen Colbert. His ratings were in the dumper. He started to attack Trump. Now they're higher. Rachel Maddow - now the only reason that she's successful on cable is because she hates Trump and weaves these theories- unbelievable conspiracy stuff. And finally Jake Tapper who says he's a journalist but he's really not. He's an anti-Trump guy. Roll the tape.
((Eugene Robinson on MSNBC: Remember Donald Trump did not just receive the support of white supremists, he invited it. He welcomed it.
Jimmy Fallon: the fact that it took the president two days to come out and clearly denounce racists and white supremists is shameful. and I think he finally spoke out because people everywhere stood up and said something.
Stephen Colbert: I have seen angrier yelp reviews and they weren’t afraid to use the word Nazi when describing how long their jalapeno poppers took.
Rachel Maddow: but we have never before had the persistent neo-Nazi and white separatist violent right in this country associate themselves so openly and so lovingly with a serving president.
Jake Tapper: why for the president does it seem easier to suggest U.S. intelligence operatives are behaving like Nazis then to call these actual Nazis Nazis?))
All right. So Jake he did call Nazis Nazis. Are you satisfied? No you're not. You'll never be satisfied until he's out of office and that's the final thing. The goal of the hate-Trumpers is to get him out, overturn the election.
And I don't think they are going to be successful. I don't think that's going to happen. But that's their goal and they're going to continue on.
Now the propaganda to eliminate - and that's the word - eliminate Donald Trump has reached a fever pitch. And the people who want Trump destroyed are using Saul Alinsky's radical playbook.
So now the thing is not only is Trump a white supremacist racist but anyone who voted for Trump or supports Trump is as well. The chief vile far-Left propagandists in this country now is Michael Moore. CNN of course had him on last night. Roll the tape.
MICHAEL MOORE: I am certain that the 63 million people who voted for him actually, the vast, vast majority of them, loved that press conference.
DON LEMON: well, not all Trump Supporters.
MICHAEL MOORE: Not all. But the vast majority.
DON LEMON: and they take offence to people calling them racist because they supported them. So how then …
MICHAEL MOORE: Yes. but what are you? Yes if you hold down the woman while the rapist is raping here and you didn’t rape her, are you a rapist? I mean let’s just really, let’s cut the BS and start speaking honesty.
OK. So there you go. Moore is saying what the strategy is on the far left. Any one voting or supporting Donald Trump is a racist.
Now that's marginalizing their opposition, demonizing, and trying to convince everyone that Trump is evil and so are his supporters.
Now, there's a guy named Reuben Brigety. He's the dean of George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs. It's a big deal.
Now, Dean Brigety writes an article in a publication called Foreign Policy and he's an expert in foreign policy because he runs the International Affairs school at George Washington. By the way, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are coming up for their day in the barrel. And Killing England deals with Washington and Jefferson very, very micro on the slave issue and other character issues, by the way. OK.
Anyway, Dean Brigety says that President Trump is a quote "America's first Nazi supporting President" and he is the "Nazi in chief." In essence, Brigety says, "Trump definitely showed the world who he is, we should believe him. The unprecedented situation that we currently face however is that the elected government of the day is now led by a Nazi and white nationalist sympathizer." Unquote.
Now, if I had a student, my son or daughter were in George Washington University, I would pull them out. That is grossly irresponsible. It's character assassination. Dean Brigety doesn't know what he's talking about and I do. That's why I wrote the column today.
The mistake the president made, and it's a mistake that FDR made, it's a mistake that Harry Truman made, it's a mistake that Dwight Eisenhower made. The same mistake.
It's that he doesn't understand the true nature of the Nazi evil and how it emotionally impacted millions of people.
Now, is that Trump's fault? To some extent, but most people on the planet are in the same jar. They don't understand it because Hitler has become a caricature. He's some monster guy with a little mustache and a salute. What we know about Hitler we see in movies because history in America is not taught anymore in most public schools. They have no blankin' clue what the Third Reich was.
If you go out today and you ask people "what was the Third Reich?" Nine out of ten will not be able to tell you. They don't know.
So the essence of the column, and I do want you to read it because there's a thought process that goes down the line, unlike Dean Brigety, I guess I should be the dean of that school, is that when you're talking about Nazi evil, it stands alone. Can't bring anything else in. Can't bring Mao in, Stalin in, Pol Pot in, genocide of American Indians in, slavery in. You can't bring anything in. It stands alone. It was worst monstrous thing that's ever happened on this planet.
Upwards of 100 million people died because of the Third Reich. And I mean, you know, you're talking little kids in gas chambers, women and children. It's beyond belief. How do I know this? I've written three books on World War II and I'm researching a fourth right now.
And I know what happened, why it happened, and who was at fault.
So President Trump, when he made his comments in Charlottesville, didn't have that mindset. He didn't do anything intentionally bad. He wasn't trying to sympathize with the white supremacists. That's not what he was trying to do. He was trying to add more perspective to the entire situation but you cannot do that.
So no matter how heinous the Antifa people are, and a lot of them, some of them absolutely brought violence to Charlottesville, no matter how bad that was you can't bring it in at the time you're analyzing white supremacy, partuclarly when a young woman is dead, 32-year-old woman run down by an alleged Nazi sympathizer. You can't bring it in.
And then the "good people on both sides" comment was a comment about the statue of Robert E. Lee coming down. And it is absolutely true. Trump said, "look, there are good people who want it down, there are good people who don't want it down." That's the point he was trying to make but it got lost because so many people hate Donald Trump. They lumped it all together and this kind of garbage... I mean, this is so shameful what this Brigety wrote.
I don't know why Foreign Policy magazine would even print it. You talk about hatred. He's a poster boy and yet he'll go to work today as a dean of a prestigious Institute at George Washington University. In five years from now it might not be George Washington University the way things are going.
Now, it was a friendly crowd, obviously Phoenix, Arizona. He carried Arizona by a lot. They love him there. And the people were enraptured. The speech was the usual undisciplined kind of stream of consciousness. But the points that he wanted to make he made. Now, of course, and I'm going to play the reaction, of course the Trump haters hated this speech. They're going to hate everything he does. But for me, somebody watching the president, he had a perfect right to do what he did last night. He had a perfect right to define the Charlottesville thing the way he thinks it should be defined in his opinion. Perfect right to do it, perfect right to castigate John McCain for shooting down the Obamacare thing.
You know, I told you that in my opinion the McCain vote was personal. He despises Trump. And you know, I think he voted to keep Obamacare so that Trump would be damaged. I could be wrong on that. But I've got to go back to if that were George W. Bush trying to get rid of Obamacare, I don't think McCain would have ever done that.
Anyway, I have reaction, after speech reaction, from mostly CNN. Don Lemon, Ana Navarro, I don't even know who Rick Wilson is but he's in there, and a former national security person, James Clapper. Roll that tape.
Don Lemon: He’s unhinged. It’s embarrassing. I don’t mean for us, the media, because he went after us. But for the country. This is who we elected as president of the United States? A man who is so petty that he has to go after people that he deems to be his enemy like the imaginary friend of a 6-year-old?
Ana Navarro: I am not a psychiatrist I am just a regular human being who knows a lot of people and knows the difference between right and wrong which is more than the 71 one year man baby seems to be able to know
Rick Wilson: he is not in touch with reality at a degree in which he is willing to go out and let his id run around the stage
James Clapper: and I don’t know when I’ve listened and watched something like this president that I found more disturbing.
So Mr. Clapper says he found the Trump speech disturbing. Why? Why? He's putting forth his point of view. Donald Trump's putting forth his point of view on not only Charlottesville but all policy matters. Why would that be disturbing? He does it in a flamboyant way, he does it in the way that got him elected. He's talking to his base.
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