OPEN TO ALL - O'Reilly's Analysis of the Florida School Shooting
By: Bill O'ReillyFebruary 15, 2018
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Bill’s Monologue on Wednesday’s School Shooting

On Thursday’s No Spin News, Bill laid out a very thorough yet concise background on suspected school shooter, Nikolas Cruz. Cruz was a disturbed, orphaned teen who was expelled from his public high school last year for disciplinary reasons. Cruz legally purchased an AR-15 rifle and possibly other weapons which he displayed on social media. Cruz became known to authorities in the fall of 2017 when he posted a comment on YouTube that was reported to the FBI: “I’m gonna be a professional school shooter.” 

Wednesday afternoon, as school was being dismissed, Cruz allegedly entered Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and started shooting. After the school commenced its active shooter lockdown, Cruz allegedly pulled a fire alarm, so he could shoot at more people as they fled the building. Cruz then tried to blend in with fleeing students, but he was arrested without incident a few blocks away. 

Cruz was charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder on Thursday morning. The 17 people that Cruz killed included students, a teacher, and an assistant football coach who had tried to protect others from being killed. 

At a news conference Thursday morning, special FBI agent-in-charge of Miami-Dade, Rob Lasky, said that the agency had received the report of the YouTube comment from a video blogger in Mississippi in September. The comment was made under the name “Nikolas Cruz,” and yet the bureau said it was unable to establish a firm identity, so no action was taken. 

Cruz admitted to Wednesday’s attack, telling investigators that he brought the AR-15 rifle, several loaded magazines, smoke grenades and a gas mask to the school which he had stuffed in a backpack. A motive in the shooting remains unclear.

Cruz’s first court appearance took place on Thursday afternoon. He was ordered to be held in jail without bond. 


Romney Senate Announcement Postponed

2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney announced on Twitter Wednesday that he is delaying his scheduled announcement about the Utah Senate race, citing the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. 

"As a father and grandfather, my heart aches for the victims of today's tragic events. My prayers go out to all of the families and loved ones affected by this senseless act of violence," Romney tweeted. "Out of respect for the victims and their families, I will not be making an announcement tomorrow about the Senate race." 

At the beginning of the year, Sen. Orrin Hatch said he would not seek re-election, and Romney announced he would make a statement about his own political future on February 15.


DOJ Official Bruce Ohr Hid Wife’s Fusion GPS Payments From Ethics Officials

Bruce Ohr served as a Department of Justice contact for Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who authored the Trump–Russia dossier. The dossier was commissioned by the firm Fusion GPS, which had hired his wife Nellie Ohr to conduct opposition research on Donald Trump. 

Bruce Ohr was demoted from his post as associate deputy attorney general in early December after a House investigation turned up evidence that Ohr had met with Trump dossier author Christopher Steele which Ohr had failed to previously disclose.  

In an interview from last November with the House Permanent Select Committee, Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson conspicuously omitted his relationship with Nellie Ohr, painting Bruce Ohr as someone who he was connected to independently.  

The Latest update is that Bruce Ohr did not disclose that Fusion GPS was paying his wife, Nellie Ohr. Bruce also did not obtain a conflict of interest waiver from his superiors at the Justice Department. 

For 2014 and 2015, Bruce Ohr disclosed on ethics forms that his wife was an “independent contractor” earning consulting fees. In 2016, Nellie Ohr added a new employer who paid her a “salary,” but listed it vaguely as “cyberthreat analyst,” and did not say the name of the company.

The DOJ ethics form instructions require officials to “Provide the name of your spouse’s employer. In addition, if your spouse’s employer is a privately held business, provide the employer’s line of business.” The dollar amount does not need to be disclosed. 

The law provides that whoever ‘knowingly and willfully’ fails to file information required on this report faces civil penalties up to $50,000 and possible criminal penalties up to one year in prison under the disclosure law and possibly up to five years in prison under 18 USC 1001.


Olympic Update

Latest Medal Count:

#1 Norway -17 medals total (6 gold , 7 silver, 4 bronze medals)

#2 Germany- 15 medals total (9 gold, 2 silver, 4 bronze medals)

#3 Canada- 13 medals total (4 gold, 5, silver, 4 bronze medals)

#4 Netherlands- 12 medals total (5 gold. 5, silver, 2 bronze medals)

#5 United States- 8 medals total (5 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze medals)


Headlines update:

American skier, Mikaela Shiffrin, finished in first place in the women’s giant slalom event on Wednesday, earning another gold medal for the U.S. This is the second slalom title Shiffrin has won. She won her first gold medal at Sochi in 2014.


Mail Time!

  • Love the Podcast and your excellent view of politics, both left and right. We really appreciate the Democratic guest who was on Wednesday’s show, he had a reasonable and moderate view of the boarder situation. Maybe there is Hope after all! After the mass shooting in FL, I have to ask why do we allow rapid fire guns in our country? 
  • In the latest school shooting in Fla., why don’t people look at the real cause for this and address it instead of going after gun owners. Kids today are exposed to highly graphic movies that use guns to resolve issues. Plus the online games, where kids shoot and kill people and things to win the game. Unlike people like you and me that are baby boomers, we were not exposed to such graphic violence and were taught to resolve issues other than in a violent way. So why don’t we address the real problem – Hollywood and the gaming industries that exploit gun violent to make their millions/billions! 
  • Bill, what do you think about "Gun Free Zones". I spent thirty-eight years in law enforcement and I now work in security for a high school in AZ. I believe that gun free zones allow bad people to carry guns and good people who obey the law to abstain from being armed.


Word of the Day: Jackanapes

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