Nicholas Sandmann Lawsuits
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 13, 2019
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The family of Nicholas Sandmann, the Kentucky 16 year old who was vilified by the media in that crazy Indian story, has sued CNN for $275 million.  This after The Washington Post received legal paperwork for $250 million in the same case.
The CNN situation is especially important because the network itself will be on trial.  There is no question that the entire leftwing media misreported Nick’s altercation in DC, but his lawyers believe they can prove the mistake was malicious and grounded in the anti-Trump posture that CNN displays every day.
AT&T, the new owners of CNN, really have a problem.  The network is so unfair and, in some cases, hateful that for intelligent viewers the brand has been greatly diminished.  I mean when you have a CNN commentator like Kirsten Powers asserting that any American who supports President Trump is a racist, you have jumped the cliche-ridden shark.
If the Sandmann family wins a big money judgment against CNN, The Post, and possibly others, that might slow down the media corruption that is currently on display.  I will be following this story closely.
Tonight on The No Spin News, a special media announcement that may please you.  It begins at 7 eastern time.