News Coverage of President Trump
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 6, 2019
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While the media waits for the Mueller report on the Trump campaign and Russia, there has to be some anti-Trump thing to amuse them because that’s the rule: The scandal du jour must be presented so CNN’s panel has something to do.
The latest du jour is that President Trump wanted high level security clearances for his daughter and son-in-law.  My question is: so what?
It is clear that Mr. Trump values Ivanka and Jarred Kushner’s counsel.  That’s his prerogative, is it not?
What’s the big deal?
I mean during the Obama administration, Anthony Weiner wound up with classified information from Hillary Clinton, for crying out loud.  How about that  - dopey CNN panel?
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll analyze the ongoing absurd press coverage of Donald Trump and how Americans are reacting to it.
See you beginning at 7 eastern time.