Misguided Approval
By: Bill O'ReillyNovember 28, 2023
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As the border becomes even more out of control and the cost of essentials continues to hammer working Americans, one wonders who exactly is approving of President Biden's job performance.

Well, that crew is made up of those who basically are invested emotionally with the President, satisfied that he defeated Donald Trump. Everything else, including personal safety, is secondary.

About 80 million Americans voted for Joe Biden mainly because they despise Trump. Old Joe has never offered any problem-solving ideas or even showed concern over the suffering his idiotic policies have caused. Biden throws tax dollars at everything and then walks away to take a nap.

Hate is a more powerful emotion than love. It's tough to say that, but it's true. And Biden was elected primarily by the hate Trump people.

But that will not be enough in 2024. The President's record is so horrendous that even Jimmy Carter looks brilliant by comparison.

The old saying is - stranger things have happened. But that won't cut it next November.

See you later for the No Spin News.

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