Media, Democrats, and the Early Virus Response
By: Bill O'ReillyApril 3, 2020
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The Boston Globe recently commented that Donald Trump has 'blood on his hands,' and other news agencies that despise the President continue to condemn him for a late response to the virus.

Well, here are the facts.

As you’ve heard a million times, President Trump did stop flights from China on January 31. Italy put restrictions on flights from China the same day. And North Korea was in some lockdown with its borders closed to everyone. Those were the only countries that had early restrictions on China.

All that to say, the United States and Italy were the first countries in the world basically saying we see this as a threat early. 

Meanwhile - from January 1 through February 25, there were four Democratic debates.  

In the first three debates, there was not one question from the moderators about the virus - and not one comment from any of the candidates raising the virus as a threat.

It was only in that last debate – at the end of February – that Bernie Sanders finally said something about the Coronavirus. He took the opportunity to bash Trump.

So we have the top Democrats vying for the highest office in the nation, debating on a national stage in front of the American people over and over again, while the threat of the virus grows. And nobody says a word.

Where were the Democrats for almost two months on the virus?

And now the American people are supposed to believe that President Trump didn’t take action when it was obvious he should have?

The facts are that President Trump did take early action and no other world leaders and no Democrats said a word.

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