The primary reason that I win the vast majority of debates on television is that I take the time to understand my opponent’s point-of-view. Then I dissect it looking for a logical weakness. This works 90 percent of the time but not if my debate opponent lies, as Barney Frank did when discussing the federal government’s role in risky mortgages that led to a brutal recession.
These days, many folks cannot understand why leftists want to cripple police agencies when that will lead to more dead poor people. But ardent liberals will not admit that even though it is provable truth. So, in effect, they are lying to themselves and everyone else.
We all know people who bear false witness and are fine with that commandment violation. It’s depressing to know lying is now socially acceptable in our society.
Tonight we will analyze Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s explanation of the exploding murder rate in New York City. This will demonstrate what we honest people are up against.
See you at six eastern.