Leave it to Kamala
By: Bill O'ReillySeptember 24, 2023
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Leave it to Kamala
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Fresh off her tremendous success discovering the "root causes" and solutions to the border crisis, President Biden has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to run the new White House office on gun violence prevention—another splendid decision by Joe.

I guess Sylvester Stallone wasn't available because he's out promoting the firearms exposition "Expendables 4."

It's amazing how astute the President is. Even though Kamala refused to spend any time at the border actually assessing the incredible chaos down there, she showed Biden enough to get another stellar appointment.

Not to confuse Ms. Harris, but there are basically two factors driving gun crimes. First (and most intense) is that criminals use firearms to control the narcotics traffic and create general mayhem. And secondly, mentally disturbed people can easily buy guns in many places because each state has different firearm procedures.

Mass shootings are defined as "three or more people being shot." More than 90 percent of mass shootings in America are generated by street criminals, most often drug gangs. But the Biden administration (and this means you, Kamala) refuses to define "gun violence" in that context. That's because the shooters are often African-American inner-city miscreants.

Of course, the victims of gunfire are disproportionately Black as well.

The media also generally ignores urban gun criminals for the same reason: skin color.

In progressive jurisdictions like New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and St. Louis, criminals apprehended with illegal firearms are often not punished. No bail. No jail. Plea bargain down to a misdemeanor. Counseling.

As the former Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris has to know this. But she'll never say it. Ever. So, violent criminals continue to walk among us.

On the second front, there is no solution to lunatics killing innocent people. It will always happen. School security can mitigate that a bit, but dangerous maniacs will never completely vanish.

However, if the Biden administration really cared about "gun violence," it would propose harsh mandatory prison sentences for anyone who possesses a firearm in the commission of a crime. Five years first offense, ten years second. That's in addition to punishment for the criminal act being committed by the gun-wielder.

And, if you sell an illegal gun, ten-year minimum prison sentence in a federal penitentiary.

That would tamp down gun violence big time by isolating dangerous criminals in confinement while protecting innocent citizens.

So let's get on board with that, Kamala!


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