Kamala Harris' Pot Legalization Plans
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 16, 2024
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Bill reports on the politics of cannabis and Kamala Harris' wish to make pot legal nationally.


O'REILLY: So Kamala Harris wants to legalize pot at the federal level. Right now, 24 states have legalized cannabis. And D.C., of course, you got to smoke pot if you're going to live D.C. you have to. So 24 states and 26 have it, but Kamala says,  no, no, no. All states have to legalize pot because the federal government's going to legalize. Why? Why? What is, what's good about having legalized marijuana? What? She doesn't answer. She doesn't know. I don't think she knows. It might be because. 217,000 arrests last year were for marijuana-related offenses and the left doesn't want that, but most of those arrests were drug dealers. They were selling pot, fentanyl, cocaine, everything. Okay, that's what drug dealers do. And 29% of those arrested were black, are black. There's a racial component here. If that's Kamala Harris thinking to legalize pot, let's hear it. Right. So it's not an important issue. And Baier won't asked about it, but I would, at the end say, hey, what about pot? What good does that do? Puts more stoned people behind a wheel of a car, makes it easier for children to get it, if pot's legalized everywhere. Since pot has been legalized in New York, there's a terrible, terrible problem among urchins, smoking pot or taking the candy before they go to school. Did you know that? The dealers are out, up and down the block outside of the schools.

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