Joe Biden's Executive Orders
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 26, 2021
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Yesterday on the No Spin News, I reported on what President Biden is trying to accomplish with his flurry of Executive Orders. It’s all about favoring certain groups of Americans and excluding others from government attention.
This is called creating “equity.”  And the philosophy behind it is that because of historical injustice, specific people will get extra advantages today. That to make up for what happened 150 years ago.
I gave many examples so I hope you will watch last night’s broadcast because ALL hardworking Americans will pay for the equity perks while many of us will not participate in them.
When the population wakes up to what’s happening, and that will take a while because the media will not report it, there will be deep anger.
President Biden doesn’t care and may not even fully understand what he’s doing. But the progressive forces behind him surely understand and they are thrilled.
More on this tonight. See you beginning at six eastern.

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