Governor Andrew Cuomo made a rhetorical mistake yesterday by saying that “America was never that great.” Immediately, Mr. Cuomo was vilified. His comment came in a speech decrying the fact that there are no “guaranteed outcomes” for American women. According to the Governor, women in the United States live under a system that does not treat them fairly. I was not surprised by Cuomo’s statement because this is what he and others on the left truly believe: that the USA is not “that great” because all citizens do not have the same opportunities. Of course no society on earth has ever had equality of life outcomes because human beings are born with different talents and personalities. Some folks are smarter than other folks. Some babies are born into privilege, some into far more modest circumstances. Some kids have great parents, many do not. That’s life and Andrew Cuomo can do nothing about it. For him to denigrate his country based on a false fantasy of guaranteed life outcomes is foolish in the extreme. The truth is this: The USA is the world’s economic leader, Americans are the most generous people on earth, our capitalist system provides more opportunities for more people than any other nation. Because of our blood and sacrifice, we led the way in defeating the enslavement of fascism and communism abroad. American policies and military might have literally freed billions of people the world over. Andrew Cuomo and many of his liberal fellow travelers do not see it that way. They are wrong. Tonight on the No Spin News, I will spend some time on this. Hope to see you then.