Gold Medals in Hatred
By: StaffFebruary 14, 2018
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Gold Medals in Hatred
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Some of you may have believed that Trump Derangement Syndrome was a condition that would gradually fade away, just as certain childhood syndromes can improve. 

Unfortunately, that belief was naïve and unrealistic.  Rather than abating, TDS has metastasized and is actually growing more virulent in certain sectors of America, especially the far left arenas of the media and universities. 

As a public service (or disservice?), we hereby present a brief rundown of some of the despicable things that were said and written just over the past week.  

First, there is the mandatory stipulation that the White House badly bungled the case of Rob Porter, the alleged wife abuser who resigned under pressure.  The administration put forth varying timelines and excuses, resembling The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight. 

That being said, here are some of the more egregious and hate-filled syndrome sufferers: 

On ABC, Megan Murphy of Bloomberg News claimed that the qualifications for White House Chief of Staff include a willingness to "degrade your humanity, your integrity, your very being." 

Meanwhile, CNN guest Anushay Hossain slandered all women who support President Trump, saying, "they are trapped with their abuser, which is Trump." 

After the president tweeted his condolences to the mother of a young man who died of an opioid overdose, CNN contributor Dean Obeidallah declared that President Trump "should be charged with manslaughter" 

Speaking of health care, CNN asked New York Times' science reporter Donald McNeil why fewer Hispanics received flu shots this year.  McNeil, with absolutely no evidence, theorized that it was perhaps due to President Trump's "hostility to Spanish language and Hispanics." 

MSNBC, in addition to the usual Trump-hatred displayed every morning on Morning Joe, gave a platform to Eddie Glaude, who insisted that the president "doesn't give a damn" about poor people. 

But the gold medal in derangement goes to a writer named Anand Giridharadas, a guest on Joy Reid's MSNBC show.  Reid, who always seems to be auditioning for the role of that network's Trump-Hater-In-Chief, sat by meekly as Giridharadas called President Trump "the commander in chief of rape culture." 

Joy Reid, by the way, was recently forced to apologize for making anti-gay remarks.  Despite that, the New York Times lauds her as "a hero of the resistance."  

In the print category, special mention goes to the Boston Globe's Kevin Cullen, who charmingly described President Trump as a "mean-spirited ingrate" who regularly embraces "racists and racist thought." 

Of course, it's not only President Trump who is subjected to unhinged abuse on a daily basis.  Those in advanced stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome are eager to mock anyone associated with the president. 

Vice President Mike Pence was a major target this week when he attended the Winter Olympics.  It was actually stunning to watch as so many in the mainstream media derided Pence while fawning over Kim Jong Un's younger sister Kim Yo Jong. 

Even though the younger Kim is North Korea's version of Joseph Goebbels, CNN gushed that she was "stealing the show at the Winter Olympics."  To the Washington Post, she is "the Ivanka Trump of North Korea."  This praise is for a woman whose family kills and tortures on an industrial scale.  The word "shameful" doesn't even begin to describe the coverage. 

Meanwhile, the same media were denouncing Vice President Pence because he met with North Korean defectors and brought Otto Warmbier's father to the games.  Warmbier, of course, was the college student who was arrested and tortured in North Korea before being sent home to die. 

The partisans on The View actually mocked Mike Pence for his deep religious faith.  The always-lovely Joy Behar diagnosed the vice president as having a "mental illness."  Whenever you think Behar can't go any lower, she finds a new way to plumb the depths.  ABC must be proud. 

These are just a few examples in a week that was not at all atypical.  Next week's cable news and papers will be surely filled with still more vitriol. 

But what happens if the media gets their wish and President Trump is someday impeached or forced to resign?  The vicious disease will simply mutate into Pence Derangement.  President Mike Pence will be greeted with nearly the same level of loathing, as will his new vice president, unless he decides to name Nancy Pelosi. 

Our chattering classes simply hate Republicans and want to drive them out of office, and there is no end in end in sight.  Why?  Simply because that's what they do. 

Trump Derangement Syndrome remains a disease with no known cure.

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