Eliminating Wasteful Spending
By: Bill O'ReillyFebruary 11, 2025
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Because I am a simple man, my questions are not complicated. Here's the latest one: why are so many Americans angry that President Trump and Elon Musk are crusading to eliminate wasteful federal spending?  Don't we have a $37 trillion dollar debt?  Shouldn't the government try to get that down?
There are two answers. First, millions of Americans oppose everything Donald Trump does, and now, by extension, the same applies to Mr. Musk.  Nothing these men do will ever be considered worthy.
Second, most government spending goes to execute or promote liberal causes. Entitlements to the poor, global warming strategies, programs that promote abortion.  Just a few examples.
But condoms for the Taliban?  Yikes. Allegedly, the USAID sent millions to Afghanistan to help out with procreation or lack thereof.  Does that make sense? Does Chuck Schumer support the program? What's next, disco lessons for ISIS?
So why the strum and drang about eliminating crazy spending? Has to be ideology, right?
Liberals are on the wrong side of this issue. Remember, Kamala gravely damaged her campaign by supporting tax dollars for sex change operations.
But come to think of it. There can't be sex change operations if people aren't born, right? Maybe that's the end game.
Probably not.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.

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