One of the unintended consequences of Donald Trump's dominance in the primary season is that political drama has vanished. Only the Supreme Court could deny Trump a place on the November ballot, and that nullification will not happen.
So, the television news operations, many of which have actually helped Trump with their nonstop loathing, will lose tens of millions of dollars in political ad revenue and lower audiences.
The "be careful what you wish for" syndrome is vivid here. The media fervently wants Trump to lose, so it went full corruption to make that happen. But Americans saw the coordinated, often dishonest attacks as insulting to them. Massive turn-off.
Even Fox News, once a Trump tower of power, has now become suspect to many.
As far as President Biden is concerned, he is vanishing before our eyes. There will be no vibrant campaign, no debate, and few interactions with the press.
Presidential election years usually mean big business for the media. Not this time. Super Tuesday? Not really. Conventions? Yawn.
Only if Mr. Biden decides to retire will things change. And it could happen.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.