The civil case against Donald Trump was a challenge from the beginning. Since no human being on earth knows what actually happened between the plaintiff E. Jean Carroll and the defendant Donald Trump, it's impossible to analyze the initial situation in a fair way.
Ms. Carroll's legal fees, at least some of them, were paid by a man who despises the former President. The judge allowed anti-Trump testimony from individuals who had nothing to do with the allegations. The New York jury acquitted Trump of rape but unanimously decided he was guilty of lesser charges. No criminal action was involved.
Lawyers for Ms. Carroll will likely take a third of the 5 million dollar judgment and use the case to solicit more work in this area. Donald Trump, however, can delay payment as he says he will appeal.
Politically, the case is not likely to damage Trump as folks are numb to accusations against him - so many no one can remember.
But it is undeniable that Donald Trump has endured more attacks than any other politician in American history.
Whether or not he deserves that distinction will ultimately be decided by another jury: the voters.
See you later for the No Spin News.