Disappointed by the Georgia Vote
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 6, 2021
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So, I was surprised by the Georgia vote. I thought at least one Republican would win a Senate seat. I based that belief on what happened on November 3rd when Senator Perdue defeated Jon Ossoff by about 90,000 votes and Raphael Warnock lost to two Republicans by about 400,000 votes.

So, what happened in two months? Well, President Trump, as you know, hammered the state of Georgia with allegations of voter fraud. That seems to have mobilized some voters to punish Republicans, as the Democratic turnout was higher yesterday in Georgia than it was for the presidential vote. And in the Senate of the United States, Republicans blocked the $2,000 relief Covid payment, settling for $600 to each citizen. That apparently hurt the GOP.

But by far the most important factor in Georgia electing two far left senators is the African-American vote. In Georgia, 32% of the electorate is black and they voted Democrat by more than 90%. That did it. But why? Well, as a Caucasian, I cannot feel what African-Americans feel about their country. But I can tell you that in general, blacks see the USA differently than whites, and the Democrats have tapped into that successfully, messaging that the Democratic Party will prioritize black wants and needs in a big way. Then you add African-American icons to the mix, people like LeBron James, Oprah, Michelle Obama, Beyonce, all of them support extremely liberal politics.

So, there is a peer pressure within African-American neighborhoods throughout the country to support Democrats. It is not cool if you're black to be a Trump supporter. At the president's rallies, you see very few black faces because you are roundly criticized in the neighborhood if you are a Trump supporter or a Republican. Don't underestimate the power of peer pressure. We saw that in Georgia. It was almost a color line. And now the whole country will have to deal with a Senate that is controlled by the Democrats, handing Joe Biden, as I said, a huge power card.

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