Debate Report Card
By: Bill O'ReillyNovember 21, 2019
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Brutal debate last night.  As I predicted, the fix was in and nobody asked Biden about Ukraine, at least in the first hour. All the moderators are democrats so it was easy, general questions, bloviating beyond belief.
Report card:
Biden - B.  At least he didn’t pander
Buttigieg - C.  Really had little to say except he’ll unite everybody.
Booker - C.  No chance in the race.
Klobuchar - C plus.  No chance but seems honest
Harris - D.  Distant denier of due process.  Dangerous person 
Sanders - D.  Absolutely nothing new to say.
Warren - C.  Nothing new either except she’ll give away houses.
Yang - A.  Very smart, funny guy.  No chance.
Steyer- D.  Gives boring another dimension.
Tulsi - B.  Isolationist who thinks her stage mates are idiots.  No chance but she lives in Hawaii so there’s that.
See you tonight on the No Spin News.