Concerns Over Biden
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 5, 2024
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President Biden looked pretty shaky at the podium on Tuesday while explaining his Executive Order limiting border intrusions.

The order won't work, but that's not what bothers this correspondent because I had no expectations that it would.
What is of great concern is the President himself. He slurred his words, talked too quickly without pausing for emphasis, and stared at the teleprompter so hard I thought his eyes would glow.
Leaving the stage, he walked like a toddler.
As for Mr. Biden's border play, it's an obvious campaign thing. For years, he told the nation that he could not regulate the border without congressional approval. Then, presto, he regulates the border without congressional approval. 
The truth is the progressives who control Biden don't want any inhibitions on immigration. We saw that Tuesday when the ACLU, now a socialist outfit, immediately filed a lawsuit to block Biden's EO.  
The reason the far left wants unfettered immigration is to destroy the so-called "white patriarchy."  That's white male domination of power. The quickest way to damage that is to flood the USA with foreign nationals who may vote liberal down the road.
In his current mental state, President Biden most likely doesn't understand the big picture but dutifully does what he is told to do.
Finally, taking action on the open border is an act of political desperation for the White House.  And I don't believe it will work as a policy or a vote-getter.
See you this evening for the No Spin News.