Click Here for O'Reilly's Special Commentary on Immigration
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 23, 2018
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All right. So the shutdown was hooey because it was driven by the Democrats, the party wanted immigration reform, but above and beyond that, they wanted amnesty for 700,000 so-called Dreamers, illegal immigrants who came here as children or teenagers, brought here by their illegal immigrant parents. So they didn't have anything to say about it. There's a sympathetic group. Every poll says most Americans want the dreamers to be treated differently than people who just break the law, adults who break the law and pour in here. OK. 

So the Democratic Party wanted this amnesty for the dreamers. Again, about 700,000, 800,000, in that range. And they said, well, we're not going to fund the government till we get it. That's what this is all about. There's nothing else in play. So the Republican Party said, all right, we know we have to do something about the dreamers but we want border security to go along with it. We want the wall funded. Of course, the Democrats don't want the wall. So that was the argument and they couldn't agree. So the government shut down over the weekend.

But now it's not shut down because the Congress agreed to fund the government till February 8th, and in that period of time, which is what, 17 days, they hope to reach some kind of immigration agreement. All right, so that's where we start. 

Two Republican senators voted against opening the government. Mike Lee of Utah, a staunch conservative, wants the wall, and Rand Paul of Kentucky. Not really sure what Rand Paul wants, but he's a contrarian. All right. There he is. So they voted against. 

Democrats, 16 voted against opening the government. They're all far left people depended upon minority votes. People like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Patrick Leahy, and the two senators from California, Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein, they have to vote for amnesty. I mean, they have to. Two senators from New York, Kirsten Gillibrand, Chuck Schumer voted to open it. So just one, Gillibrand. Richard Blumenthal in Connecticut, Chris Murphy, Connecticut, the far far far left. They want amnesty for everybody, not just for the dreamers.

OK, so let's take a look at the posturing. I am not going to run a long soundbite but you need to hear Schumer and McConnell. Go:

Schumer: President Trump's unwillingness to compromise caused the Trump shutdown and brought us to this moment.

McConnell: The strategy to shut down the government over the issue of illegal immigration is something the American people didn't understand.

Alright, OK. You know. Now, McConnell was smart enough not to get involved with finger pointing too much. 

There is a snap poll, Politico put it out, not real trustworthy. Who do you blame for the shutdown? You know, it's mostly... let's see... Republicans are blamed... 41 percent of Americans blame Republicans. Democrats, 36 percent blame Democrats. 23 don't know. 

Nobody really knows but it's the blame game. And another question was asked: please indicate if you believe the issue of DACA, the Dreamers, is important enough to shut the government down. Yes, it's important enough, 42 percent. No, it's not, 42 percent. Interesting, right? The country is divided. 

OK, so what is the Democratic Party's plan for immigration? And we're in South Florida, a lot of immigrants, a lot of immigrants in this area. Since 2002, after 9/11, there have been about 2 million legal immigrants sanctioned to go and work in the USA and live here. About two million. Illegal immigration, about 20 million. Ten times the number of legal immigrants have come here illegally. That's a lot of folks. Some of those folks have gone back. All right. But I would say about 20 million total illegal immigrants are still here. A lot of them overstay their visas. Not all of them are sneaking across the border. So, there's a lot of people here that shouldn't be here. It's as simple as that. 

So what does the Democratic Party want to do about that? They oppose the border wall, they don't want a border wall. All right. They're against it. They oppose Kate's Law. That's tough mandatory prison sentences for criminals, foreign criminals, who commit felonies here, are deported and come back. Oppose it. That's unbelievable. They oppose ICE raids. They don't want the Homeland Security people raiding and fining people who are here illegally. They oppose partial amnesty. They want blanket amnesty for everybody. Open borders, blanket amnesty. 

Now, not all Democrats want open borders, but they don't want the border wall. So, how are you going to keep them out? Now, will the border wall keep everybody out? No. Make it a lot harder for them to get in. Now we see that in Israel, we see that in Hungary. When you put up a big barrier, it keeps people out. If you do it the right way. They don't want it. Why doesn't the Democratic Party want the border wall? Why? The only thing they put forth is, "well, it sends a bad message. We're not an inclusive society." 

The country to our south is Mexico. Want some stats on Mexico? Last year, 2017, more than 25,000 murders. Twenty-five thousand three hundred and thirty nine murders. Put it in perspective. In the United States, three times as many people here than are in Mexico. 17,250 murders. Now, the Mexican number, 25,000, is low. It's way more than that because this doesn't count people who are missing. They're buried in the ground or thrown in the ocean or the Caribbean Sea. Doesn't count those people. Thousands of those people. I estimate the murder rate last year in Mexico is between 35 and 40 thousand people. That's a holocaust. Who's killing them? The drug cartels. Ok, that's who's killing them. Killing their own people. They also kill Americans. But what they do that impacts this country even more is they send heroin here, tons and tons and tons of heroin. It's so cheap that it's less than prescription drugs. You can buy heroin on the street.

So, what do we have? An opioid crisis. That's a heroin crisis. And Fentanyl, which also comes in from Mexico. All right. Thousands of Americans dying from that. Hundreds of thousands addicted. Democratic Party doesn't want a wall, doesn't want the wall between the United States and Mexico. Murder through the roof. Drug trafficking through the roof. We're not even getting into the illegal alien problem. 

All right. Now, last April, border crossings hit a historic low. That was in the first few months of the Trump administration. Now, since April and December of 2017, last year, border crossings are up 625 percent. These are the family border crossings, not even the individuals. All right. Why? Because of this DACA thing, because people, if they get here with their kids, they think they're going to stay. 625 percent. So it's at the highest level now than it was under President Obama. In December, 30,000 illegal aliens are turned back. You've got to figure three or four times that got in. This is DACA. 

So, the Republican Party says, all right, we'll work with you on DACA, because it is a humane fair thing, but you got to give us security too, got to give us a wall, more border patrol, fund everything, e-verify, all of that so we stop it. 

Democrats go, No no no no no no no no no. We just want DACA. We don't want to put any other impediments to come here. 

OK. That's the truth. All right, we're telling you the truth. All right. So what happens now? What happens is what's going on in California. 

In California, anybody can get a driver's license. You don't have to prove where you're from, where you were born, whether you're here illegally. You pass the test, you get a license, California driver's license. Ok, all right. Now, there's a new law that says anybody with a California driver's license is automatically registered to vote. The pinheads in Sacramento and Governor Jerry Brown know that opens the door for illegal aliens to vote. In fact, it is estimated that two million this year alone, two million illegal aliens in California will be given the right to vote. They're all going to vote for the Democrats. OK. Because they want their folks, their families back in Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador, or Nicaragua, wherever it may be, to come to America to join them. Natural. Republicans aren't going to let them do that. Democrats are. 

So you've got two million more in California, which stacks the deck and makes it impossible for a two party system. The Democrats just control everything in California. That's the goal. It's not just about votes, it's control, it's power. All right. So that's what you got. This is why this is all happening. So if you have an open door policy, wWhich is what the Democrats want. Hey, come on in, we're not going to give you a hard time. Once you're here, you're in. We want to give you blanket amnesty, everybody, all 20 million illegal aliens. 

Yeah, they'll say, yeah yeah yeah... we'll do some border security...

How can you do border security, how can you do immigration law enforcement when California is a sanctuary state? They've ordered their law enforcement not to cooperate with the federal government on immigration law. So if you're a cop in California, you get fired if you pick up the phone and say, "hey, you know, there's an illegal alien who just raped the 15 year old girl." Now, just for saying that, I'm a fascist bigot, just for saying that. But that's the truth. All right. So that you can't cooperate if you're a California employee, whether you're a police officer, or a mayor, or anybody with the feds, or you get fired. That's what a sanctuary state is.

So we saw Kate Steinle be gunned down by a guy who had been deported six times in San Francisco. You figure that would wake everybody up. It didn't. They all opposed Kate's Law. They don't want it. It is just staggering to me. I'm a logical guy. I love immigrants. I admire and respect people who come to the United States and work hard and make new lives. I understand the pain of living in El Salvador, in Haiti. I've been to those places. I've reported from there. I know what it is to live there. Almost everybody in those places want to come here, but we can't take everybody. You want more legal immigration? I'd vote for that. Just regulate it so that we know who's here. But George Soros and his Open Society people, they want open borders. Come on in. You see what's happening in Europe.

In Sweden, which has taken all kinds of people from the Middle East and North Africa, there are now armed citizens patrolling the streets with rifles because there's so much crime in Sweden. Nine million people indigenous to the country, never had a crime problem before. They let everybody in, now the Swedes are saying, we're going to organize vigilante groups with rifles to patrol our neighborhoods. Eighty percent of migrants everywhere are good. 20 percent aren't. That's a lot of folks. A lot of folks. 

And then you add in that 50 percent of all immigrant homes in America, illegal and legal, are on some kind of means tested welfare, which means they're getting money from the government. Money paid by the taxpayers. 50 percent. And we owe 20 trillion dollars in this country. You put it all together, this is a massive, massive problem. Not being solved because of politics and power. 

Let's see if I left anything out here. I think it is. 

Summing up. This government shutdown thing, a total fraud. I told you that last week. All right. Now it's not shut down. February 8th they have to fund the government. They'll get a deal on DACA. Here's what the deal will be. There will be a process where the 800,000 kids, teenagers, will go through a process and be allowed to stay while they're going through the process. I don't know what the process will be, but it'll be a quasi amnesty. All right. If you have a criminal record, you won't get it. But if you're clean, you'll get it. In return, the Democrats will, they'll eke it out, allot some money to build some kind of barrier on the southern border. Because Trump will never sign the DACA quasi amnesty without the border wall money. They'll never do that. So they've got to give that. That's what'll happen by February eighth. 

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