This Clarence Thomas thing is illuminating and once again shows how wicked the American media is. The Justice allowed his longtime friend Harlan Crow, a wealthy Texan, to pick up some vacation expenses over the years. Mr. Crow had no business with the court.
Apparently, there was no Supreme Court edict against that until fairly recently, so Thomas believes he did nothing wrong by accepting his friend's largesse.
It was interesting to see Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez jump the line in hammering Clarence Thomas even though she accepted freebies in a museum controversy last year. As Barbara Streisand once sang: "misty water-colored memories," right Congresswoman?
But it is the civilian Harlan Crow who is really being worked over. The media is painting him as a Nazi sympathizer because he has a copy of Hitler's book "Mein Kampf," signed by the mass murderer.
What the reportage leaves out is the book is a small part of an extensive collection of world and American history that Mr. Crow has put together over the years. He has thousands of original pieces, including stuff from heinous villains. It is one of the best historical collections in the world - better than any museum.
How do I know? Well, I've been to Harlan Crow's house and seen it.
But you'd never know the historical context by listening to the cheap shot artists on television and in print. They despise Justice Thomas and, by extension, his friend Harlan Crow.
So let's harm them both; Revolting but the standard procedure in America.
See you later for the No Spin News.