Lost in the political debate over whether President Trump's condemnation of the violence in Charlottesville was strong enough, are the facts of the matter. So let's put agendas aside and get to them.
A group that believes white Americans are being marginalized petitioned to publicly demonstrate their disenchantment in Charlottesville, Virginia. They chose that town, which houses the University of Virginia, because a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee is being removed.
An examination of the protesting group shows a consistent and hateful bias towards minorities. The leaders of the demonstration are generally destructive people who certainly do not want the equal pursuit of happiness for all citizens in our country.
In addition, these protesters, labeled white nationalists by some, were seeking to provoke not enlighten. Many of the marchers carried weapons. They were looking for trouble.
And they quickly found it because some counter-demonstrators brought weapons as well. Local authorities, foolish in their planning, did not separate the two groups effectively. Trouble was inevitable.
President Trump condemned the violence "on many sides." That quickly drew the ire of the far left as well as the media which generally despise everything the President does. The cry of false moral equivalency almost immediately filled the cable news airwaves, and the pages of liberal newspapers.
In cases where Americans are fighting other Americans, clarity is desperately needed. Mr. Trump would have been wise to articulate his anger with "many sides" in very specific terms.
First, there are the fire-lighters; the white protesters. After defeating fascist Germany in World War II at great cost, no American should ever support any race-based movement whether it's led by David Duke or Louis Farrakhan. The destruction and persecution of minorities in modern times is proof enough that racial and ethnic hatred is unacceptable even if constitutionally protected.
Donald Trump could have performed a service to Americans if he had urged them to study the Holocaust and the Jim Crow era. Any movement that seeks to harm or denigrate minority citizens is unAmerican and dangerous.
So, too, is the anarchy crew. How many times have we seen harm and destruction caused by radicals using "equality" as a reason to violently attack social order? Pardon my cynicism but when was the last time we saw a panel talking about that on CNN?
Some people deeply embedded in the grievance culture believe they have a right to demonize the police, brand political opponents racist, and even destroy private property - all in the name of social justice.
President Trump was obviously referring to those people in his "many sides" comments. But, again, he should have used his platform to define the ongoing radical left political agitation that has caused violence in a precise way - not lump it in with those who started the Charlottesville fiasco.
The hard truth is that hatred is on the march in America and extremism is the reason. Social media makes it easy for troubled loons to band together and provoke confrontations. Irresponsible, agenda-driven media stokes the hate even further.
This is not an uplifting time for the USA. If we are ever to make American great again we have to realize that love of country means a rejection of hate, and an acceptance of all law abiding citizens.
Our leaders have a responsibility to call out all the haters, specifically define them, and demand that they cease and desist.
Sadly, few in the corridors of power are willing to do that.
Bill O'Reilly does a daily podcast on BillOReilly.com. His new book Killing England will be released on September 19.
This column originally appeared on TheHill.com