Bill O'Reilly's Latest Book ANNOUNCED!
By: St. Martin's PressFebruary 4, 2025
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From the author of the #1 bestselling narrative history series in the world – Bill O’Reilly – comes the next book in the new instant bestselling Confronting series focusing on the most evil people throughout history that will undoubtedly capture every reader’s attention  


Assessing the Worst of the Worst 
By Bill O’Reilly and Josh Hammer  

In CONFRONTING EVIL: Assessing the Worst of the Worst (St. Martin’s Press, on sale date September 9, 2025, $32.00), Bill O’Reilly shows the concept of evil is universal, ancient, and ever present in today’s world. The Book of Genesis clearly defines it when Cain kills his brother Abel out of jealousy. For as long as humans have been on earth, evil has been hovering right next to them. 

This new book will recount the deeds of the worst people in history who embraced their evil nature. From Caligula to Genghis Khan; Henry VIII to the collective evil of the Slave Traders, all the way to Stalin, Hitler, Mao, the Ayatollah Khomeini, and right up to present times: Vladimir Putin, the Drug Cartel leaders, and more, the most despicable murderous people ever are given a thorough once-over by Bill O’Reilly’s expert research on each of their legacies. 
CONFRONTING EVIL explains the endless struggle between good and evil, and how it is a daily temptation – and choice – each of us is confronted with every day. And as such, there is also the decision we’re faced with when evil is present: do we look away, do we get involved to do what is right? Or not? 
The amazing collection of evil people covered in the book shows that many times, sadly, people did look away, they did not act on their conscience. The reader will experience the consequences of that inaction, always leading to a horrific end. As John Stuart Mill said in his inaugural address to the University of St. Andrews in 1867: “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” In this ever-more-dangerous world we live in, a thorough examination of evil is necessary. CONFRONTING EVIL is that perfect, clarion, wake up call we all need to read and understand. 

BILL O’REILLY has been a broadcaster for nearly 50 years. He was a national correspondent for CBS News as well as a national correspondent for ABC News, and has been awarded three Emmys as well as a number of other journalism accolades. Mr. O’Reilly received two other Emmy nominations for the movies “Killing Kennedy” and “Killing Jesus,” and his success in broadcasting and publishing is unmatched. The iconic anchor of “The O’Reilly Factor,” he led the program to the status as the highest rated cable news broadcast in the nation for 16 consecutive years. In addition, he has authored and astonishing 19 number-one ranked non-fiction books including the historical Killing series, the best-selling non-fiction series of all time with over 20 million books in print. 

His website is followed by millions all over the world, and his “No Spin News” is seen daily by millions on YouTube, The First TV, and a bevy of other outlets including DirectTV. He hosts “The O’Reilly Update,” which is heard weekdays on more than 300 radio stations across the country, including the show’s flagship station, WABC Radio, and streamed on the Pandora App. 
He holds a history degree from Marist College, a master’s degree in Broadcast Journalism from Boston University, and another master’s degree from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy school of Government. O’Reilly lives on Long Island where he was raised. His philanthropic enterprises have raised tens of millions of dollars for people in need and wounded American veterans. 
JOSH HAMMER studied political theory at George Washington University in Washington DC, and international politics at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He writes and produces some of the most successful programs in America, including The O’Reilly Update with Bill O’Reilly. He lives in Brooklyn, New York. 

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