Bill O'Reilly: The World Without Bin Laden
By: StaffMay 4, 2011
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By Bill O'Reilly

Lots of things happening Tuesday. President Obama's approval rating up nine points according to the Pew Research Center. That's about the same bump President Bush got when Saddam Hussein was captured.

Overall, the media reporting on the death of bin Laden has been responsible. There is a bit of angst over Congressman King's statement Monday night on "The Factor" that waterboarding led to the intel that brought bin Laden down.

But on the whole, President Obama is a big winner here, so the left-wing media is happy. As for the right-wing media, it's kind of happy. Bin Laden was despised, of course, but anything that helps President Obama is not good news for the hard right.

On the international front, as we reported Monday night, there's very little being said in the Muslim world, which is telling. No celebrations, no declarations that "God is great" or "Hooray for the USA." Nothing like that. And in a few places, it was quite the opposite:





That pro-bin Laden demonstration took place in Pakistan, where jihad is big. Also, some Palestinian loons ran out to praise bin Laden, thereby alienating some people who may be sympathetic to their cause.

Let's be honest: In parts of the Muslim world, bin Laden was a hero.

Here in the USA, the far-left kooks on the Internet made some appalling comments, and one college professor is also causing controversy:


VIJAY PRASHAD, DIRECTOR OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, TRINITY COLLEGE: This was a great opportunity to have captured him through a police operation and brought him through the judicial process, to create the basis for justice that is restorative. And that has been squandered, with what I consider to be a very dubious armed operation.


Vijay Prashad is actually the director of International Studies at Trinity College in Connecticut. Can you believe it? Restorative justice, of course, is the controversial concept of not punishing heinous criminals but trying to heal them.

In the interest of true justice, let me make this statement: A bullet in the head is pretty much all the healing Usama bin Laden deserved.

Going forward, "Talking Points" believes that honest Americans will understand that their country did what it had to do and that there are many people in this world who will hate America no matter what it does. Unfortunately, some of those people live here.

And that's "The Memo."

Pinheads and Patriots

In Ephrata, Washington, middle school teacher Gary Weddle vowed not to shave his beard after the 9/11 attacks until bin Laden was caught or killed. So here's Gary a few days ago. Look at that. He almost looks like bin Laden. But on Monday, it all came off. Mr. Weddle is back to being Mr. Weddle. So is he a patriot or a pinhead? Please vote on

Monday night we brought you Seth Meyers making fun of President Obama:


SETH MEYERS, CAST MEMBER, "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": So it's not a strong field and who knows if they can beat you in 2012. But I tell you who could definitely beat you, Mr. President. 2008 Barack Obama. You would have loved him. So charismatic, so charming. Was he a little too idealistic? Maybe. But you would have loved him.


Well, 53 percent of you say Mr. Meyers is a patriot for that routine; 47 believe he is a pinhead.

— You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Tue, 05/03/2011
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor

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