Bill O'Reilly: President Obama Launches His Immigration Campaign
By: StaffMay 11, 2011
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By Bill O'Reilly

The president went down to El Paso, Texas, on Tuesday to urge Americans to support his vision of immigration reform. Mr. Obama outlined his plan: secure the border, fine businesses if they hire illegals, fine the illegals themselves and require them to learn English before they can apply for citizenship.

Responsible plan with one huge flaw: the border.

Here are the dreadful stats. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, there are now approximately 11.2 million illegal aliens living in the USA. They comprise about five percent of the labor force in the country. According to the Government Accountability Office, in 2010 authorities detained an astounding 445,000 people illegally crossing the Mexican border. And Texas Sen. John Cornyn says 59,000 of those people came from countries other than Mexico, some in the Middle East.

As for narcotics, the Border Patrol seized more than four million pounds of drugs coming across the Southern border last year. Four million pounds. That is unbelievable.

But here's the worst part. Almost 10 years after 9/11, only 650 miles of the border are fenced. Thirteen hundred miles remain open, and the feds don't seem to care.

Also, there are only 1,200 National Guard backing up the Border Patrol.

So, of course you're going to have millions of people coming in here every year. This is a colossal failure by the federal government, a disgrace.

President Obama should know by now that immigration reform will not pass until the border is secure. And right now, it is not secure.

In fact, the Obama administration is cutting $226 million from the border fence program. I know the country is broke, but that's not the place to save money.

So here's the solution: expand and complete the fence, and put at least 7,000 National Guard on the border, mostly in the hot sectors. If Mr. Obama would do that, I think the other stuff would pass.

But instead of pushing hard for border security, Mr. Obama is playing politics and criticizing plans like mine:


PRESIDENT OBAMA: You know, they said we needed to triple the Border Patrol. Well, now they are going to say we need to quadruple the Border Patrol, or they'll want a higher fence. Maybe they will need a moat. Maybe they will want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied.


Not true for "Talking Points." Secure the border, Mr. President. I'll back the reform.

And that's "The Memo."

Pinheads & Patriots

Kirstie Alley is the big star this year in that dancing program, and Monday night this happened:


BRUNO TONIOLI, JUDGE, "DANCING WITH THE STARS": You did a classic, traditional salsa, which is smooth and slow, lovely arm passes. But you lost sync three different times.


TONIOLI: It happens. I do it all the time. Don't worry about it.

TOM BERGERON, HOST, "DANCING WITH THE STARS": That's why we have people on the button. Let them earn their money on the button back there.


So using the "s" word on national TV, does that make Ms. Alley a pinhead or a patriot? Because we all slip up sometimes, as he pointed out. Please vote on

Monday night we showed you bin Laden's last wishes.


FRED ARMISEN, CAST MEMBER, "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": As for my place of burial, I leave the decision to my executors, provided that wherever it is, they do not bury me at sea. As my family well knows, I have a deathly fear of being eaten by fish. So I'm very serious about this. Do not bury me at sea.


Well, 66 percent of you thought that bit was patriotic; 34 percent labeled it pinheaded.

— You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Tue, 05/10/2011
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor