Bill O'Reilly: Is the IRS scandal like Watergate?
By: StaffJune 4, 2013
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By Bill O'Reilly

First off, a clarification. "Talking Points" is not linking the IRS scandal to the White House. We are not implying, insinuating, hinting or doing anything else other than reporting the facts.

And so far, we have been dead on. Last week we told you that former IRS Chief Douglas Shulman visited the White House 157 times far more than any other department head. And it wasn't even close. Logically we asked the White House to explain those meetings with whom did Mr. Shulman chat and what was the subject on all 157 occasions?

Any honest reporter would ask that question and the White House should provide the answer immediately. Incredibly before my analysis last Thursday, there were no mentions last week of Mr. Shulman's abundant visits to the White House on CNN, on ABC, on CBS, or on NBC. None, nada, zip.

That is what's called a news blackout. Because everybody knows the IRS is under scrutiny for admitting it targeted conservative groups and individuals. So if the IRS boss visits the White House 157 times, that's a big story.

Now, it would be wrong for any honest reporter to lay the IRS scandal at the feet of President Obama. To this point, there is no evidence that he's involved. But there is evidence that his deputies are involved. And we could be repeating history.

On June 17th, 1972, some thugs broke into the Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington. Two days later, "The Washington Post" began reporting on the Watergate story. 26 months later, President Richard Nixon was forced to resign. It took more than two years to flush out the entire Watergate mess.

Again, I'm not saying the current IRS scandal is Watergate. But I am saying we should aggressively investigate the story and not come to the conclusion that the Tom Brokaw has.


TOURE, MSNBC HOST: With the AP and IRS scandals we hear the word "Watergate" thrown around a lot. Are these actually Watergate-esque?

BROKAW: No, we're not. Watergate was a constitutional crisis of the highest order. A lot of the President's men went to jail. The President himself lied. He destroyed tapes. It's pretty clear to me.


O'REILLY: The sad truth is that some supporters of President Obama don't want to know the truth, and it was the same way back in 1972. Even when Nixon quit about 30 percent of the country didn't want him to. But it all comes back to honest reporting. And in 2013, the situation is much bleaker on that front than it was in 1972.

Back then, the press reviled President Nixon. Today much of it reveres President Obama.

And that's "The Memo."

- You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Mon, 06/03/2013
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor

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