Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck on the Media, Trump, and Extremism
By: Bill O'ReillyAugust 16, 2017
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Glenn Beck, bearing a slight resemblance to a young Colonel Sanders with his goatee and white jacket, joined Bill via Skype.  Beck began by taking issue with Bill's criticism of CNN's Jake Tapper.  "Jake Tapper is a journalist," Beck opined.  "He may be overly tough on Donald Trump, but he was also tough on Barack Obama. 

Beck then suggested that President Trump may be outmaneuvering his many critics:  "He made me very nervous with how he was dealing with North Korea, but this may go down as his Ronald Reagan moment.  He may have just made the world a much safer place and that will help him with his base."  Elaborating on President Trump's base, Beck used one restaurant chain as a symbol.  "It's Applebee's where the average American is dining.  Those are the 80% who are waiting to see an impact economically, and if they see that things are getting better he has a chance of doing well.  He has no chance if he doesn't make things better for the people who put it all on the line for him." 

After Glenn Beck and/or Colonel Sanders departed, Bill reported on a new study from the Cato Institute that documented terrorism in the United States over the past 15 years.  "92% of people killed in terrorist attacks were killed by Islamic terrorists," Bill stated, "and remember that Barack Obama would not say the words 'Islamic terrorism.'  The second deadliest terrorist group were far-right wingers, who were responsible for 7% of the deaths, while far left terrorists were only responsible for 19 deaths.  However, keep in mind that the police killed in Louisiana, Dallas, and New York City were killed because Black Live Matters and other groups incited the criminals, who were not described as terrorists."

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