Bill O'Reilly and Emily Compagno Discuss the NFL Anthem Protest
By: Bill O'ReillyNovember 15, 2017
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Turning to the NFL, Bill reported that the league and its owners are paying a steep financial price for the players' protests:  "They're losing a lot of business.  One NFL person told me their merchandising business is down 20% and it's all because of this 'social justice' protest.  Americans don't want you disrespecting the flag, even if they're sympathetic to what you're protesting about.  The NFL didn't get this under control as other leagues have, they let it get out of control." 

Continuing on that subject, Bill welcomed Emily Compagno, an attorney who was also a cheerleader for the Oakland Raiders.  "My definition of patriotism," she declared, "is that it is unconscionable for you to disrespect the flag.  You can be a patriot and challenge the government without disrespecting the flag.  My grandfather renounced his Italian citizenship to come to this country and many members of my family were in the military.  I will honor the flag and show solidarity with the flag.  What can we stand for if we are not proud of this country?" 

Compagno also put forth her personal philosophy on getting ahead:  "My education, drive, and commitment have afforded me every opportunity I have ever sought.  If I ever lost to someone, then I respect that person that out-competed me." 


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