Band Bullied for Playing at the Inauguration
By: BOR StaffJanuary 12, 2017
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With Donald Trump's inauguration just one week away, The Factor spoke with Bill Hawkins, president of historically black Talladega College in Alabama, whose school band will perform at the event. "I've been personally attacked in a very negative manner," Hawkins revealed. "Some alumni have come at me pretty hard, they don't want the band to participate and say I am a disgrace to my race. But this is about the students having an opportunity to participate in this national ceremony." Trump advisor Omaroso Manigault, who is working on the inauguration, denounced the Talladega bullies. "I think it's despicable that individuals would attack young people who want to participate in this important activity. This is like a civics lesion and some of these young people have never even been to Washington." 

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