BOR Staff Column: Lone Wolves and Other Animals
By: StaffMarch 23, 2017
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BOR Staff Column: Lone Wolves and Other Animals
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By now you probably know about the savage rape in Rockville, Maryland, where a young girl was brutalized by two men who are in this country illegally. As one newspaper described it, 'they took turns raping a 14-year-old girl in a high school bathroom.' Does it get any lower, any more despicable?

We say 'you probably know' about the story because it was largely ignored by every network this side of Fox News. It is truly a shameful chapter in 'journalism' when a crime is disregarded, perhaps because it buttresses President Trump's warnings about illegal immigration.

Want to know the worst of it? CNN did manage to mention the case on its website, only to say that the debate over the alleged rapist is 'moot.' Yes, CNN went out of its way to defend the school district and downplay the crime. And the 14-year-old victim, whose life has been changed forever? Well, never mind about her.

If you want to know one harsh truth about the case, you'd have to turn to, of all places, Univision. An immigration attorney named Joseph Malouf explained that the prime suspect, 18-year-old Henry Sanchez, was allowed into the USA because of policies promoted by the Obama administration. Sanchez was nabbed at the Mexican border seven months ago and released with nothing more than an order to appear before an immigration judge. The lawyer Malouf was asked how things would be different under a Trump administration. His revealing reply: 'They would have arrested Mr. Sanchez and they would have detained him, and eventually he would have been deported.'

Does it get any more clear? The Obama 'catch and release' policy enabled this 18-year-old animal to end up in trendy and lefty Rockville, where he and his compadre, 17-year-old Jose Montano, were free to commit their horrible act.

Here's the Washington Post: 'After a stint in federal custody, they were allowed to join their relatives in Maryland.' But why? Why were they not immediately sent back to their home nations in Central America? A 14-year-old girl and her parents will be asking that question for the rest of their broken lives.

Of course, this kind of heinous crime brings out the worst in sanctimonious sanctuary city advocates. Montgomery County schools boss Jack Smith stressed the importance of helping all students 'become productive members of society.' Empty words from an empty suit.

Rockville and Montgomery County are home to many self-confessed 'bleeding heart liberals' who instinctively come down on the side of unfettered immigration, legal or not. Perhaps there are fewer bleeding hearts after this monstrous crime. Henry Sanchez and Jose Montano should not have been in Maryland, should not have been enrolled in the 9th grade, and should not have been free to prey on an innocent girl. It's as simple as that.

Then there is London, where we are told that a 'lone wolf' Islamic terrorist killed three people Wednesday before being shot dead. Just a few months ago London's Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan said terror attacks are 'part and parcel of living in a big city.' Very prescient, Mr. Mayor, if not very reassuring.

The multi-culturalists assure us that London can be a melting pot, with all ethnicities and religions living side-by-side in peaceful harmony. They are reminiscent of the obscure singer Timmy Thomas, best known for his 1972 hit 'Why Can't We Live Together?' 'Everybody wants to live together,' Thomas crooned, 'Why can't we be together?'

For an answer to that rhetorical question, turn to the very courageous British columnist Katie Hopkins, who has toured the Muslim enclaves surrounding London. 'The Afghans hate the Somalis who loathe the Eritreans,' she wrote. 'London is a city of ghettos behind a thin veneer of civility kept polished by a London mayor.' Hopkins described her beloved London thusly: 'An entire city of monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Blind. Deaf. And dumb.'

In the coming days we will be reassured that the London carnage was the work of one madman, and indeed the murders will soon be forgotten. Until the next madman arms himself with a truck and a knife. Back home, will also be told that Henry Sanchez and Jose Montano in no way represent the millions of peace-loving and hard-working illegal immigrants in America. That is certainly true, but the fact remains that they should not have been here to ruin a young girl's life.

Many of Europe's cities are committing slow-motion suicide, sacrificing their once-great cultures on the altar of tolerance and self-righteousness. They look the other way as unassimilated Muslim immigrants adhere to their own repressive laws and backward traditions. The U.K. generally ignores the problem, while nations like Sweden flat-out lie about rampant criminality in its mostly-Muslim ghettos. Once you convince yourself and the world that you have created a socialist utopia, it is terribly difficult to admit error.

In America, high-profile crimes like that in Rockville and the murder of Kate Steinle garner most of the attention, but there are many, many more. Criminals who should not be roaming our streets are creating mayhem in hundreds of cities. Europe provides a stark lesson of exactly what not to do. Tolerance sounds nice, but public safety is far, far more important.

The madness has to stop. On both sides of the Atlantic.

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