BOR Staff Column: Fully Documented Lunacy
By: StaffMarch 30, 2017
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BOR Staff Column: Fully Documented Lunacy
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Something about sanctuary cities and illegal immigration brings out the absolute worst in the far left. Although they will argue that it is not the worst, but the best.

For starters, many progressives would object to the above paragraph because it includes the word 'illegal.' Self-proclaimed immigration activists are eager to tell you that 'illegal' is a slur, even though it is absolutely, positively accurate. And don't even get them started on 'alien,' which is totally beyond the pale.

An editorial in the Seattle Times lays it out for us unenlightened troglodytes: 'Stop using illegal immigrant,' the writer demands, adding that it is 'un-American, dehumanizing, derogatory, and destructive.' Not to be outdone, a New York Times editorial says 'illegal immigrant' is 'a code word for racial and ethnic hatred.' Wow! The fact that these are immigrants entered the country unlawfully apparently doesn't matter.

And it's not just a couple of wacky columnists. The Associated Press issued an edict banning the term 'illegal immigrant.' Here's the AP stylebook: 'Acceptable variations include 'living in or entering a country illegally or without legal permission.' On the other hand, Latino writer Ruben Navarrette contends that the 'illegal immigrant' is perfectly accurate, while 'undocumented' is politically correct and absurd. As Navarrette points out, 'most of these people have plenty of documents.'

At the end of the day (just seeing if you are paying attention), you will rarely hear a member of the Democratic Party, a network reporter, or a big-city newspaper use the term 'illegal.' It has simply been deemed unacceptable in polite conversation among the chattering classes.

But those are mere semantics; far more important is outright treachery. This week we saw a politician commit an act that is truly reprehensible. Far left Massachusetts State Representative Michelle DuBois actually tried to warn illegal immigrants of a possible raid by federal authorities.

Acting on a rumor, DuBois posted this on her Facebook page: 'If you are undocumented don't go out on the street. If there is a knock on the door of your house and you don't know who it is, don't open the door.'

Just consider what she did. If ICE had been preparing to nab a criminal illegal immigrant, perhaps even a murderer or a would-be terrorist, Michelle DuBois in effect sided with the criminal and against her own federal government. Does it get any more despicable? Asked about her post, DuBois simply smiled and said she did nothing wrong. She then used the controversy to help raise money for her reelection campaign. Never let a crisis go to waste!

Thomas Hodgson, a Republican sheriff in Massachusetts contends that Michelle DuBois should resign and perhaps even be tossed in the slammer. Hodgson, a guest on The Factor Wednesday night, accused DuBois of going out of her way to harbor criminals and put ICE officers at risk.

Also this week, mayors of some sanctuary cities met with Homeland Security boss Gen. John Kelly. They defiantly insisted they are doing nothing wrong and vowed to fight any attempt to withhold federal funding from their municipalities. New York City's Mayor Bill de Blasio proclaimed, 'We are going to defend all of our people regardless of where they come from, regardless of their immigration status.' That's the same Mayor de Blasio who described DUI as a minor infraction that does not merit deportation. Mayor Rahm Emanuel, boss of that idyllic and peaceful city called Chicago, added this: 'We're going to stay a sanctuary city, there is no stranger among us.'

So once again the country is divided. On one side are people who use politically correct terms to describe illegal immigrants. They argue, based on specious statistics, that illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans, and that sanctuary cities are safer because illegal immigrants are more willing to come forward to report crimes. They essentially endorse open borders and are guided by emotion and a deep need to be seen as virtuous.

On the other side are those who have no problem using the term 'illegal immigrant,' mainly because it is correct. They want stricter border enforcement and denounce sanctuary cities and politicians who defy federal immigration law.

We know there is a blue America, situated largely on the coasts, and a red America, located just about everywhere else. This immigration debate breaks down pretty much along the same geographical lines. Right now the open borders crowd is on its heels because President Trump and Attorney General Sessions are not afraid to describe illegal immigrants as, well, illegal immigrants. They decry sanctuary cities and want effective law enforcement. How quaint!

The left, which dominates the news media and most universities, will continue to police our language, searching for any micro-aggressions. But the right controls the levers of the federal government. They want to protect our borders and immediately deport bad guys.

The battle lines are drawn. And they are stark.

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