Attorney General Barr Refuses Questioning
By: Bill O'ReillyMay 2, 2019
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So Attorney General Barr is giving the House Judiciary Committee and its chairman, the Trump-hating Gerald Nadler, a big raspberry by refusing to answer their questions today.
Mr. Barr well knows that Nadler will attempt to humiliate him and lead him into a perjury trap so he’s not showing up.
No matter how you feel about the Attorney General or the Mueller Report, you have to understand two things: first, many Democrats in Congress are trying to destroy President Trump, and second, they will not stop doing this until Election Day 2020.
Tonight on the No Spin News, I’ll have the inside story of the dem strategy.  I previewed it on Sean Hannity’s radio show yesterday which is posted on the site.
See you beginning at 7, this evening and don’t forget to listen to The O’Reilly Update, my national radio newscast, also posted on the site.