Anti-Capitalist Violence on Display
By: Bill O'ReillyMarch 18, 2015
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Today in Frankfurt, Germany, thousands of protesters caused havoc as violence broke out because the European Central Bank's new headquarters is in that town.

Close to 600 protesters were detained.

The protesters in Frankfurt call themselves Blockupy, off the Occupy Wall Street movement here in the USA.

Obviously this is a blatant anti-free market play.  These people are either communists or socialists.  They want governments to run the economic show and they want to punish wealthy people.

In Europe, Greece is bankrupt because of their socialistic policies with the E.U. actually funding that country.

There is little hope of repayment.

Spain and Italy are both in trouble economically as well, and it all comes back to the same thing: private enterprise being strangled by big government spending.

Entitlements, free stuff, giving people the means to live rather than having them earn their way.

Here in America, President Obama is sympathetic to the big government economic intrusion:

July 13, 2012, Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event in Roanoke, Virginia:

OBAMA: “Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn't get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”

Mr. Obama telling an audience in Virginia that his big government vision is the reason individuals have succeeded.

Therefore those individuals should be compelled to give a large portion of their assets back to the government.

The good news is the crazy left-wing economic stuff has really not taken deep root here in the USA.

But we do have a quasi-socialistic senator in Elizabeth Warren, who if Hillary Clinton goes down could compete in the Democratic nomination for president.

We also have Senator Bernie Sanders, a socialist who Vermont voters have elected ten times.

But the most frightening of all is this man: George Soros, a billionaire who made huge money trading currencies rooting for countries to fail.

Soros has now taken some of his ill-gotten gains and is financing the most radical left organizations in America.

He is the shadow puppet master behind corrupt far-left groups like Media Matters.

Soros has his tentacles into political organizations like the Center for American Progress, which has provided operatives for the Obama administration and some of whom are now going over to Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Few Americans even know who George Soros is, but the 84-year old uber-leftist is behind much of the political strife in this country.

So let's be clear, when a bank opening in Frankfurt, Germany causes injury to nearly 100 police officers and millions of dollars worth of damage, there is a problem.

We Americans have to wake up and counter this problem.

Tomorrow Bernie Goldberg will report on the media people who are helping the radical left.

And that's the memo.


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