Analyzing Dr. Ford's and Judge Kavanaugh's Testimonies Start to Finish
By: Bill O'ReillySeptember 27, 2018
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Hey, Premium Members welcome to the No Spin News for Thursday, September 27, 2018. Take your country back.

This is a very historic day for the United States of America. So we have the judiciary committee hearings and you heard from Christine Ford who accuses Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago. OK so we're going to start with Christine Ford and then we'll go to Judge Kavanaugh who was second in his response which of course he totally denies any wrongdoing whatsoever. Overall on Christine Ford she came across as a very polished person. Her opening statement she delivered it very well. There's nobody you can sit there and say that woman's a liar. You couldn't do that and be a responsible person. You had to listen to the statement statement was delivered fairly methodically I'm sure she was well rehearsed. But the woman looked sincere and looked aggrieved.


That's the truth. But then a lot of things started to happen.


Instead of the Republican senators asking her questions because they were all frightened. They're all men. It's #MeToo. They handed it over to a prosecutor from Arizona named Rachel Mitchell. So Ms. Mitchell interrogated Christine Ford for five minute intervals. Then they went over to Democratic senators who basically don't want to know the truth about anything. Who proceeded to elevate Christine Ford to sainthood. OK. That's what they do. That's who they are. What are you going to do? I thought that Rachel Mitchell was too gentle. She didn't have a sense of urgency in her questioning and as somebody who's been through this. I want my advocate to really get across the seriousness of this. Now Doctor, um, Judge Kavanaugh did that and I'll I'll get to him. He did that right. He came out smoking. But Rachel Mitchell not so much. In fact there was only one and this is from my crew in the New York City, this is sound bite number four that we're going to run here. OK. It was only one time that there was really a confrontation. And that was when Rachel Mitchell asked Dr. Ford about her former best friend Leland Keyser. This is key now. This is key. Dr. Ford put three people at the party where she says she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh. All right Mark Judge, a man named Patrick Smith, and her best friend Leland Keyser. All right finally Rachel Mitchell asked her about Miss Keyser. Roll the tape.


Rachel Mitchell:: When you, when you did leave that night did Leland Keyser now Keyser ever follow up with you and say hey look what happened to you?


Dr. Ford:: I have had communications with her recently.


Rachel Mitchell:: I'm talking about like the next day.


Dr. Ford:: Oh no. She didn't know about the event. She was downstairs during the event and I did not share it with her.


Rachel Mitchell:: Have you been. Are you aware that the three people at the party besides yourself and Brett Kavanaugh have given statements under penalty of felony to the committee?


Dr. Ford:: Yes.


Rachel Mitchell:: And are you aware of what those statements say.


Dr. Ford:: Yes.


Rachel Mitchell:: Are you aware that they say that they have no memory or knowledge of such a party.


Dr. Ford:: Yes.


Rachel Mitchell:: Do you have any particular motives to ascribe to. Leland.


Dr. Ford:: I guess we could take those one at a time. Leland has significant health challenges and I'm happy that she's focusing on herself and getting the health treatment that she needs and she let me know that she needed her lawyer to take care of this for her. And she texted me right afterward with an apology and good wishes and etc. so I'm glad that she's taking care of herself. I don't expect that PJ and Leland would remember this evening it was a very unremarkable party. It was not one of their more notorious parties because nothing remarkable happened to them. That evening they were downstairs and Mr. Judge is a different story. I would expect that he would remember that this happened.


O'Reilly:: Well that's kind of interesting because according to Dr. Ford, Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge were blind drunk. Blind drunk, and they were hurdling all over the house and they pushed her into a room and locked the door and they Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her. And then afterward they went downstairs still blind drunk while Dr. Ford stayed in a bathroom upstairs. And then a few moments later Dr. Ford ran out of the house and somehow got home. But she doesn't know how she got home. Now if you were at a party and there were two boys blind drunk you wouldn't remember that? She says I don't expect PJ and Leland would remember this evening it was a very unremarkable party. Was it? With two people blind drunk going all over the house.




I would have followed up there if I had been quizzing Dr. Ford. And then I would have said to her very respectfully, you really didn't answer the question. You're saying that your former friend Leland has health problems now and because she does that you're implying that she wanted her lawyer to say whatever.


OK. Do you have the text where she apologizes? I'd like to see that text. I'd like to see the context of that text. Can we see that? You see it doesn't stack. In the sense of being a human being.


So if you are a victim and you name three people that can, that was, that were on the premises when you were victimized in circumstances you vividly have described and you did that very convincingly to the whole world. But all three people don't remember any of it. Nothing, that's enough. That's what they call reasonable doubt, right there.


There's not a court in the world civil or criminal convict anyone under those circumstances, any. OK. Now you get the political component. That comes in. Let me go through the villain here is Dianne Feinstein the senator from California. In July, when Brett Kavanaugh's name was being circulated as a possible Supreme Court nominee this whole thing started with Dr. Ford alerting a congressman in California that Kavanaugh assaulted her. The congressman then alerted Feinstein who's on the Judiciary Committee and there was a letter written Dr. Ford says she wrote the letter gave it to the congresswoman who gave it to Dianne Feinstein. This is at the end of July. All right. In conjunction, in conjunction, Dr. Ford calls the Washington Post and begins telling her story to the press. OK. As soon as Judge Kavanaugh was nominated by President Trump, Dianne Feinstein should have had a press conference said I got this letter. This woman is accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. The second he was nominated that should have happened. Why? Because then the FBI, all right, could go in and investigate whatever evidence they could come up with in a timely fashion so that we would know yes or no whether there is any validity to this, did it happen? Feinstein held the letter back and has not given one reason not one reason for doing so. She could have not said who wrote the letter just handed it over to the Judiciary Committee who's in charge and the FBI. Didn't do it. Instead, waited for the last possible moment before Kavanaugh's nomination was going to be voted on. That's politics and vicious politics.


Dianne Feinstein is a villain is a villain. Not only did she destroy Kavanaugh even if he's confirmed. I mean his life is never going to be same. Same thing with his family. But she put the accuser in a position of being scrutinized as well.


OK so we all know the political component, and then Blumenthal and other senators, Democratic senators, Hirano from Hawaii and Gillibrand from New York, Schumer, they convict Kavanaugh. He's guilty without any due process. We all know that, I don't have to go over that again. OK. So in the run up to setting this all up Feinstein recommends these lawyers very, very far left, progressive, aggressive lawyers to Dr. Ford who hires them. That came up with Rachel Mitchell. Roll it.


Rachel Mitchell:: Besides you mentioned some Go Fund Me accounts besides those. Are there any other efforts outside of your own personal finances to pay for your legal fees or any of the costs occurred?


Dr. Ford:: It's my understanding that some of my team is working on a pro bono basis but I don't know the exact details and uh, there are members of the community in Palo Alto that have the means to contribute to help me with the security detail, etc.


Rachel Mitchell:: Have you been provided...


Ford's Attorney:: I can help you with that. We are her counsel are doing this pro bono. You're are not being paid and we have no expectation of being paid.


Rachel Mitchell:: Thank you.


O'Reilly:: All right. So that mystery is solved, right? We now know the political machine out to destroy Kavanaugh came together in an organized fashion to help Dr. Ford get her story out free.


OK so now you have politics and you have an allegation.


I'm sitting there in my living room watching all of this.


And I'm saying to myself you know what, this isn't right. This, this isn't right.


The allegation has to be taken seriously everybody says that's a cliche now. You can't dismiss Dr. Ford. You can't ascribe bad motives to her. Although I will tell you either she or Kavanagh is lying. No in between.


One or the other is lying. But I don't know who. I'm a fair man. I'm looking. I'm watching. I thought that Dr. Ford as I said was impressive in her opening remarks not so much on the Q&A not so much on the Q&A. There are a whole bunch of things there that I went doesn't stack. And let me give you one more. This is interesting. After Feinstein puts out this letter and the press runs wild with the accusations and the press by the way is disgraceful. They don't investigate anything, they don't care what happened. OK.


The Judiciary Committee wanted to talk to Dr. Ford wanted to interview her under oath in a long Q and A session. And the committee said to her, can you come to Washington and talk to us so we get on to record your story? That's what happens in these cases. Dr. Ford refused to come to Washington. Why? She said she was afraid to fly, "I'm afraid to fly." The committee said we'll come to California. We'll come to you. Dr. Ford's lawyer said no. We're not going to do it. So today in the Q and A with Rachel Mitchell. Ms. Mitchell establishes that Dr. Ford flies all over the world.


To the South Pacific, to the east coast, everywhere, routinely flies all over the world.


So the excuse that I'm afraid to fly I can't come is a deception. Let me put it that way.


These little things are little things but they're not little things. All right. I don't know where the house was. I don't know really what when it happened. I can give you a date when it happened because if I give you a day when it happened Kavanaugh might have proof he was someplace else. Can't give you the date. Can't give you the place. Can't tell you how I got there. Can't tell you how I got home. I'll give you three names of people were there. All three people say no, we weren't there. Nothing happened. One after the other after the other after the and then you get the crowd around Dr. Ford. She didn't hire a defense attorney who specializes in sex crimes. No. She went for the most extreme progressive attorneys she could find at the behest of Dianne Feinstein. Dianne Feinstein directed her to these attorneys who then took the case without any money. Directed her to a lie detector test right off the bat they knew they needed that because they don't have any other corroboration. Nobody knows how the test was delivered.


Nobody knows anything about it. I'm not even getting into the therapist because I don't even think that's important anymore. All right. Dr. Ford says she was traumatized at age 15 kept it to herself for more than 30 years finally revealed it in a marital therapy session. OK. That's possible. It's certainly possible people suppress horrible things. I find. You know. I mean therapist taking notes that weren't accurate rarely happens but could have.


All right now let's get to Kavanaugh. So either the guy's the best actor in the world. I mean in the world or he's a pathological liar to the extent that I don't think we've ever seen. Unlike Rachel Mitchell who is too passive with Dr. Ford in my opinion, Kavanaugh came out smoking. Roll the tape.


Judge Kavanaugh:: This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process. But you've replaced advice and consent with search and destroy. Since my nomination in July there has been a frenzy on the left to come up with something anything to block my confirmation.


O'Reilly:: True. And I think he might have done it more than he did. An attack on the Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who obviously have convicted him. Obviously. OK. Then he got very emotional. Throughout the whole thing. You can imagine I mean I can imagine better than anyone else because I had to deal with this. And he went through his litany and his resume of what he's done in his life. OK. We've heard it before. It was worth restating but it was the indignity that he believes he is suffering and his wife and daughtera the attack. I mean he uses strong language here, "National Disgrace." All right. "Search and Destroy." And certainly it is, certainly the goal here is to destroy Brett Kavanaugh. That's the goal. Right?


A lot of the media is invested in that. Certainly the Democratic Party's invested in it. Destroy the man. We can't stop his nomination because he is qualified to be honest in court, can't stop it there. So now we're going to get sexual misconduct which of course is running wild in America. And people are going down every hour on the hour. So let's find some people to come up and do this, and three of them have. I don't want to get into the second and third accusers here because the third accuser's story is so insane and so absurd. This is the Avenatti stuff that it's just almost beneath me. I mean it's not true. It's a lie. All right. The second one about Yale is so fuzzy. Again, the most credible story is Ford and she did come in and face the world and told her story that she had been abused. She did it and you know it's no walk in the park for her. There are people threatening her. As there are people threatening Judge Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh then expanded his indignation of this by saying America itself is in jeopardy. Roll that:


Judge Kavanaugh:: This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country. And as we all know in the United States political system of the early 2000s what goes around comes around. I am an optimistic guy. I always try to be on the sunrise side of the mountain, to be optimistic about the day that is coming. But today I have to say that I fear for the future. But you're coordinated and well funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. You may defeat me in the final vote but you'll never get me to quit. Never.


O'Reilly:: Now certainly that's true. Certainly no matter how this turns out good people are going to say am I going to get involved with this. I'm not running for office. I'm not going to seek any appointments. I'm not going to do anything. OK. Because I know if I do I'll be torn to pieces. I can tell you because I know all the media people I know all of them. Every single one of them. They are terrified even the lefties even the liberals even the CNBC, not CNBC, MSNBC, CNN people because NBC is now you know they they got Brokaw, they got Moonves they got Rose they got Lauer. I mean everyone is terrified, terrified that if they stand out in some way if they boldly state their analysis. Comes somebody in.


Because it works. It works. And some people have done bad things and some people have not.


Every case should be taken individually. But it's not because the media doesn't care about the truth. The media wants the big headline. That's what they want. They want to put the word disgraced in front of as many people's names as they can. I know this world. I know these people and I know how terrified politicians and television commentators, radio commentators are. Absolutely scared to death on a national level, on the local level, on every level. Because they know one accusation sinks their career. Destroys their family and their lives. So we have now is a situation where the American people have to decide.


They have to decide. To me, if I were on the Senate, if I were Senator I would vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh. I think there's enough doubt and enough politics in these accusations to vote for him. I would vote for Kavanaugh. And if in the future it's shown he lied under oath. You impeach him, you impeach him and you charge him. And he goes to prison. So I don't tell me, "Well he's on forever he's out on forever if evidence comes forward that shows he did this terrible thing to Dr. Ford he will be impeached removed from the Supreme Court and he will probably go to prison. So there is a failsafe in this system. But now as it stands I do think this whole thing has been disgraceful. I do think Dianne Feinstein is a villain. One of the worst actions holding that letter back. You want an FBI investigation. Fine, put it out there don't tell me 48 hours before the vote you want one when you had it for six weeks. Don't tell me that.


Don't insult me.


And then we learn from Dr. Ford's own sworn testimony how much she does not remember and how many people refute her allegations.


It doesn't get any more intense than this in a republic, in a free country. Because if Kavanaugh is destroyed based upon unproven allegations and that's where we are now, our democracy is harmed forever.


And here's what the judge said to wrap up his opening statement.




Judge Kavanaugh:: My family and I intend no ill will toward Dr. Ford or her family. But I swear today under oath before the Senate and the nation before my family and God. I am innocent of this charge.


O'Reilly:: So that's it. I think I've covered all the bases here and I've been fair in the process. I was going to tell you how my political outlook has changed. I teased that yesterday, I'm going to do that on Monday. I'm sorry but you know we had to get to the facts of the matter and I had to cut through them in a very methodical way. I had to boil down hours and hours and hours of testimony to 30 minutes so that you guys you know get a pretty good idea of of what the situation is. So we will do a lot of mail I'm going to do e-mail tonight. We do a lot of mail on Monday about your reaction to this broadcast into the country in general. And I will tell you how my political outlook has changed because of the Kavanaugh situation. I want to tell you that we have posted an excerpt from "Killing the SS," so you can listen to it this weekend on and audio. You'll get the flavor of I cut the whole audio. Flavor of the book. And next week we will put the written excerpt up on the website. "Killing the SS" comes out October 9th. Some say it's the best Killing book. It's the eighth in the series the other seven 17 million copies in print of the Killing books. As I said it's the most successful non fiction series of books in history. And I'm like awed by that of course you're a part of that success. So "Killing the SS" is a book you're going to want to read it's about evil and boy we're dealing with evil in America today. Got to know what it is you got to know how inside everybody evil exists. And I show you that. Martin Dugard and I show you that in a very vivid way. You're not going to be able put the book down so we'd like it to preorder and if you order on Bill O'Reilly dot will send you a free copy of "Old School: Life in the Sane Lane" which is funny and you're going to need a few laughs because "Killing the SS" is pretty intense important though.


I get a lot of mail about should kids read it. I think 12 and up. 12 and up can read it. But you gotta read it and discuss it with them because some of the stuff that we report is going to shake them. The last chapter of "Killing the SS" is going to snap your head back. In all of my promotions which will begin soon enough for the book I'm not going to talk about the last chapter.


Because it's so startling, so stunning that I want you to be reading it without any advance on it. So that is it for us today. Very important day as I said at the beginning of the broadcast for America. I am going to be checking in seriously on the website the whole weekend with the Kavanaugh's stuff. We'll be on the Glenn Beck radio program tomorrow. We will post that, and I'm around. You Concierge Members ready to answer all your questions as we always do. Thanks for being Premium and Concierge Members. We will see you on Monday.

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