A Social Civil War is in Progress
By: Bill O'ReillyOctober 24, 2019
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A new poll says 70 percent of Americans believe we are on the verge of civil war.  They are wrong.  There’s no verge.  A social civil war is in progress.
Two primary reasons why.  Never before was it acceptable to call your country racist or to demand taxpayers pick up the tab for the health care expenses of illegal aliens.
Now radical positions like those are embraced by many democrats and celebrated by the media.
Traditional Americans recoil at that kind of extremism.  I mean, how do you compromise with “woke” fanatics who do not believe in due process and other fundamental constitutional rights?
The truth is you can’t compromise when a catastrophic loss of personal freedom is on the table.
Yes, civility in the political arena has been destroyed.  There is no search for common ground or truth.  There is angst, disillusionment, and hatred.
The war is here.
Tonight on the No Spin News, we’ll continue our fact-based reporting on the state of the union.
See you beginning at 7 eastern.

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